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All I remember is we felt a big impact on the back of the car and i don't remember it all went black.

Anthony's POV

It happened so fast. Someone hit us from the back and we flew into the middle of the
four-way were a semi ran into my front side. I covered my face with my arm and after I heard all the glass done shattering I removed my arm and opened my eyes.
A: is everyone ok
G: yeah, skye are you ok.
We looked back and she was past out there was blood dripping from the top of her head and there was a red strip on her neck from the seatbelt.
G: shit
He unbuckled and opened the door and went to her side i did the same. We opened her door
G: skye skye wake up.
A: somebody call the ambulance.
Lady: already did.
The guy of the semi got out
Guy: I'm so sorry you just came out of nowhere
A: it isn't your fault someone hit us from the back.
A lady came up to us
Lady: I'm sorry I didn't mean to hit you I wasn't paying attention. I'm sorry
A: it fine
I looked back at griffin and Skye had woke up and he was trying to keep her up. I walked over to them
A: are you ok
S: I-I c-can-can't fee-feel my l-legs
I looked down at them and the seat was squishing them. I went to my side and pulled the seat up. I went back to we're she was
A: now can you
S: n-no
She was crying
G: it's going to be ok. The ambulance is coming
The ambulance came and asked a few questions and we got In.

Skye's POV

*At the hospital

They brought me back from the ex-ray. I could kinda feel my left leg not much tho anthony and griffin got cleaned up in the ambulance. I was laying down on a bed in one of the room
S: do you want to see my earrings
G: why not
He got up and came over to me. I moved my hair out the way and showed him
Then the rest of the boys came in
Jh: are you ok
K: what happened
A: got into a reck
B: no shit
S: still can't feel my right leg but can kinda fell my left not really tho
The the one and only Doctor Bailey came in
Bailey: uh what are you doing here
S: got into a little reck
Bailey: ok.... can't fell your legs
She said looking at her clipboard
S: yeah
Bailey: ok I'm going to to tap your knees with this that will cause your reflex to kick your leg up
I nodded. She helped me put my feet on the side of the bed were they where hanging off and I was leaning on my hands. She got this little tool that looked like a hammer kinda and hit my left knee first. It done a little kick but not much
Bailey: did you fell that
S: a little
Bailey: now right
She hit it and it did nothing. She hit it again and it still did nothing.
Bailey: they done ex-rays right
S: yep
Bailey: I'm going to go and check on those and come back hopefully with information
Then she left
S: I hate my life
G: don't say that
I started to hit my left knee with my fist and watched as it done little kicks witch was kinda entertaining. Soon Bailey came back
Bailey: ok good news nothing is wrong that we think but as far as we know it just need time
I nodded and she left.
S: ugghhhhh
I scouted more on the bed using my hand and laid back with my feet hanging off
J: need help
S; what dose it look like
He got up and came over to he put my legs on the bed and walked back to his seat.

Bailey came back in like 20 minutes later
Bailey: I'm going to try again
I sat up and she helped me put my legs over the edge. She got the tool and hit my right knees and it done nothing
Bailey: it just needs more time probably
I nodded and she done the left leg and it kicked a little more then last time.
Bailey: the left leg is healing good. Griffin I need to talk to you outside
He nodded and they walked outside. I sighed and looked at them threw the window.
Jh: it'll be ok
K: it just needs time like she said
S: but the left one is already almost done healing
A: sometimes it takes longer for something to heal then the other it just need time.
I looked down at my hands and started to fidget with them. I felt the bed dip beside me. And Bryce wrapped his arm around my shoulder and rubbed the side of my arm.
B: you'll be ok kid
I nodded and a tear rolled down my cheek. I guess he noticed
B: hey don't cry you've been threw worse and you got threw it.
S: yeah
We heard the door open and I looked and it was avani.
S: hey
Av: I came as soon as I could
She got on the other side of me and hugged me
Av: what's wrong
S: can't fell my right leg and kinda my left but it's getting better
Av: sorry
S: it's fine 
Then griffin and Bailey came back in
Bailey:so we have decided that if you still can't fell anything in the leg you are going to start therapy and if that doesn't help we will go from there.
I nodded and she left. I looked back down at my hand
S: w-what if I can't walk ever again
G: you will it just needs time.

I hour later

Bailey came back in Got the tool out. She hit my left leg and it was almost fully back then she hit my right and it done nothing. I wasn't really surprised because I still couldn't fell it.
S: when dose it start
Bailey: Tomorrow
I nodded then she left.
Av: it's going to be ok therapy will help.
I nodded again.
Bailey came back with a wheelchair.
Griffin helped me get in and he wheeled me out to the boys car. Bryce helped me in and we drove to the house. Griffin picked me up and took me to my room. He laid me on the bed
G: you ok
S: I'm scared
G: I know but once you start therapy it will get better and you'll be walking
S: b-
G: no buts you have to think positive
S: it's hard when you know that you might not be able to walk ever again
G: your going to be able to walk again
S: I'm just going to sleep
I pulled my quilt over me and closed my eyes and soon fell asleep

Hehe will she ever be able to walk again. Idk tune in on tomorrow's show adopted by sway la

I'm so weird anyway have a good day/night/evening

Love you

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