Oh shit

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7 pm

Me and griffin have been fighting all day I can't remember half of the fights. But it's about the same shit of me not listening or something I don't know I just sit there zoned out. Right now I was about to go on a walk to clear my head. That all I wasn't planning anything I just wanted to go on a walk to clear my head. I walked to the door and before I could even touch the boot handle he stopped
G: your not leaving this house
S: why
G: your still grounded. And until you can show me that you stopped doing all the shit you do then you can leave.
S: I'm just going on a walk to get out of here because all we have done all day is fight.
G: you think I like putting up without fights and you sneaking out. Your staying here
S: I'm not doing nothing I'm just going on a simple walk can I not do that
G: no cus I can't trust you. You haven't showed me anything that I can trust you with.
I looked at Bryce and he nodded towards the stairs telling to just listen.
S: I'll be back in 30 minutes
G: skye don't you touch that door
S: i said I'll be back
I grabbed the door handle and opened it but before I could open it all the way I felt a hand on my shoulder. I looked at it was josh
Jh: just listen
S: it's just a little walk nothing big
Jh: just-
S: fine.
I slammed the door closed
G: don't slam the door
S: let me fucking do something and I won't get pissed
I yelled at him
G: I can't trust you because you haven't showed me anything that I can and don't cuss or yell at me
S: then don't get me pissed
I walked downstairs and slammed my door closed. I punched the wall two times making two more big holes. I let out a loud scream and fell to the floor crying I tucked my knees to my chest. And put my head on my knees. I heard my door open and someone sit beside me leaning me on their shoulder. I new it was Anthony. He has been the only one who has understood me through today.
A: shh it's ok
He said rubbing my back
S: what did I do wrong
I said sobbing into my knees
A: try to listen to him and he would let you do things
S: he doesn't even trust me. I want to leave. I want to see Payton. I want avani. I want to see ryland and nick. I don't want to be here right now.
A: you want me to go ask
I nodded still sobbing
A: ok go clean your fist. And we can skate or drive
S: skate
I said getting up and walking to the bathroom. I cleaned the blood off of my hands and waited for Anthony to come back

He walking in with the skateboard. I gave him a little smile that I had to fake and whipped my nose with my sleeve of my hoodie. I got up and took one out of his hand we walked to the front door Anthony told them where we're going and he closed the door.

We stopped at their door I picked up the skateboard and Anthony set them on the side. I knocked on the door and nick answered
N: hey
He said moving so we can come in
S: hey
A: hey man
N: so what y'all up to
S: nothing wanted to get out the house
R: hey kid
S: hey
R: get into another fight
S: no why
N: your fists
S: oh I punched my wall
R: you ok
S: yeah I should be
N: we're about to watch a movie want to join
S: yeah
We walked upstairs and walked to nicks room were avani and Tayler were.
Av: hey
She said giving me a hug that I returned
Av: you joining
S: yeah
She gave Anthony a hug and they laid on the bed while me and Taylor was on the floor with blankets. I already new it was a bad idea. But I just went with it. The middle of the movie I looked up and they all were asleep. It was just me and Tayler
T: I'm sorry about the other day I don't know what got into me. I just want you to be happy. You seem happy with Payton sorry if I ever interfered
S: I forgive you.
T: thanks
I nodded
T: do you want to do something since there all asleep
S: like what
T: we can put dish soap and water on the ground and slid in it

^ ok so me and my brother did this yesterday and it was the funnest thing ever I miss when we used to hang out but now he just ignores me and plays his ps4

S: ok
We got up and ran downstairs he got the dish soap and put it all around the kitchen floor. I turned the water on and got the thing that sprays out water and sprayed it around where he put the soap. We mixed it a little and then Tayler when first he ran back and slid straight down it. I went after.

We kept doing this until. I ran back and slipped it all happened so fast. One second I was having the funnest I had in a while and the next I'm on my butt holding my ankle on the verge of tears and letting out a loud scream
T: skye are you ok
S: what dose it look like
I snapped
I seen ryland nick avani and Anthony run down
N: what happened
T: I don't know she slipped
R: ho-
He slipped on the soap witch made me laugh and get distracted by the pain for a quick second till Tayler touched my hand trying to see it. Witch made me scream
T: sorry
R: glad my pain helps you fell better
He said holding his back
N: move your hand so I can see
I shook my head.
Av: he's not going to touch it non of us will
I slowly moved my hand as I whined in pain
Av: it's ok
He said rubbing my back
N: we need to take you to the hospital
S: I just can't get a break can I
A: guess not, and what we're y'all doing
S: having fun
N: ok this might hurt
He put his hands under my knees and one behind my back and picked me up I let a tear slip as I hid my face into his shoulder
N: it's ok
Av: I'll get the keys
She ran upstairs and got her keys.

They got me into the car with a few tears slipping out of my eyes. Avani Ryland and Anthony day in the back with me while Nick drove. And Tayler in the passenger.
S: it hurts
Av: it's going to be ok
A: you want me to call griffin
I shook my head.
A: skye your hurt he had to know
S: I don't want to get yelled at
A: he's not going to yell at you
S: yeah he's going to say wHaT wErE yOu ThInKiNg. YoU nEeD tO sTaRt ThInKiNg
Av: no he's not
S: that's all he had done all day
A: he has to know
He said pulling out his phone.

We got there and griffin was coming. We were waiting in the doctors room waiting for someone to come and look at it. Then griffin came in.
G: what happened what were you thinking
I looked at avani
S: see
G: what happened
S: me and Tayler having fun with I slipped and fell
G: you can't be doing this
S: what having fun
G: no being stupid and not thinks
S: yeah I'm stupid for having fun
G: that's no wh-
He got cut off by a nurse coming in. It was the one and only doctor Bailey
B: skye, what are you doing here
S: I had a little accident
I said pointing to my ankle
B: that's not a little accident it might be fractured.
She started to touch it and pushed her hand away
B: you have been through worst pain now stop and let me look at it.
I removed my hands and laid back ready for the pain. I felt someone grabbed my hand and when I felt her touch it i squeezed however's hand. She touched it and moved it around a little making me squeeze my eyes shut and squeeze the persons hand harder.
B: ok I think it's just a sprain but your going to have to be off of it for a couple days
S: ok.
B: I'm going to go get the wrap and you'll be ready to leave. I nodded and she left. I looked at who's hand I was squeezing and it was griffins. I quickly let go of it.
S: I hate this
G: then you probably sho-
S: I get it I'm stupid
G: I- never mind

S: my rooms right there
G: I know your sleeping in my room till I can trust you
S: you do realize that your carrying me because I can't walk
G: yeah
He said putting me down on the bed
S: I need my quilt and bear
G: witch on
S: ummm the one nick got me
G: ok
He left and came back with my stuff and gave it to me and laid down in the other side of the bed
G: goodnight love you
S: night
I faced the opposition way as him staring at the wall
G: no I love you to dad thanks for getting my stuff your the best
I closed my eyes and soon fell asleep

Always tell your family you love them even when your fighting. You never know what will happen.

Love you bye

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