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^jadens toes hehe. I'm weird ok bye

The whole ride was silent When we got home we walked into the house all eyes were on me josh looked at me then griffin and pointing at my outfit
G: she wouldn't change
griffin grabbed my arm and set me on the couch.
S: so how was everyones day
A: good yours
S: good I got homework so I'm just g-
I said standing up but right when I sat up griffin said
S: well damn
I sat down
G: what happened
S: um I heard that the girl broke her nose and it was 1 against 3 and also that she won
S: what did you hear something different
G: skye stop messing around what happened
S: ok so the girl that was al-
G: stop messing around
S: fine her name was skye shes like really cool and she ha-
S: didn't the principal already tell you
G: he said he didn't know who to believe and the cameras aren't working so talk
S: basically I was sitting down at our lunch table....

^you already know

Everyone's mouth hung open. Escaped griffin
S: wait and then after I punched her and she went to the nurse mr Brock dabbed me up and said I hit her good
G: you act like this is a game
S: ok
G: how did you threaten her
Jh: threaten
He yelled
S: it wasn't really a threat it was more like I'm warning you
J: what did you say
S: I told them they should leave
K: wait are we just going to forget that she broke her nose
S: I mean I was hoping
G: your grounded for a month
S: a month
G: yes you threaten someone broke there nose and got into a fight
S: it was self defense
G: I don't care
S: that's not fair
G: keep in mind that you did get drunk and high the other night so it all adds up
S: ok now that's kinda fair but a month
G: all in favor that it's a month
Everyone but Anthony put there hand up
G: Anthony
A: I'm on good terms with her and I don't want her to brake my nose
G: oh well I'm the dad I chose. A month
S: ugh
I said falling onto the couch.
B: how long are you suspended
S: a week
K: dang
G: were going to the hype house come on
I got up quickly and ran to the car. The all came out and we got I the car.

We knocked on the door and nick opened it
N: hello
G: hey
He let us in and we sat on the couch while we we're coming griffin explained that I'm not aloud to leave his side at all times.
Av: hey skye
I waved at her. I slid back onto the couch making my shirt go up
G: pull your shirt down
S: there's nothing to see and I have a bra on
G: I hope
Then ryland came down the stairs 
R: like the fit
S: thanks
They were all talking and I was just sitting there playing with my ring when I just got the urge to get a tattoo.
S: how old do you have to be to get a tattoo
The boys started laughing but griffin
G: don't
R: we have a tattoo gun
S: OoOoOooOOoo
Griffin shot him a Death stair.
G: tell them what you did at school
Av: oh yeah how'd school go
S: there was a fight
R: that cool did you get it on video
G: she was in the fight.
N: how she doesn't have a scratch
S: cus I won
Av: how was it
S: these 3 girls that wanted to see griffin and Jaden. See if you think about it it's your fault because she wanted to see you
G: yeah everything's my fault
S: you said it not me. But I won
R: 3
G: yep she broke ones nose so let's see how that goes. Tell them what you did the other night
S: um I went to this thing with Payton it was a su-
G: the other
S: oh yeah me and Anthony went skateboarding he fell trying to do a trip
G: the other
S: don't know what your talking about.
G: she snuck out and got drunk and high
S: still don't know what your talking about.
I said turning upside down my feet hanging off the back of the couch. I put my feet on griffin and he pushed them off making me hit the floor. I started to fake cry and he picked me up and set me on the couch
G: I'm sorry
I started to laugh
G: what
S: living in a orphanage for 3 years you learn a lot of things
G: what else could you do 
S: I know sign language French and Spanish Griff es una perra, anthonys mon préféré
A: ok what did you say cus I'm sure Anthony was in there
Jh: she said Anthony's her favorite
G: what did she say about me
Jh: I don't know
B: I don't think you wanna know
S: do any of y'all know Chinese
Everyone: no
S: 你很丑,我不知道为什么人们喜欢你

^you are ugly and I don't know why people like you

Av: what did you say
R: your a alien
S: I wish
S: do y'all have a paintball gun
N: yeah it's
Griffin gave him a death glare
N: uh broken
S: I'm not stupid
G: you sure
I flicked his head.
Av: do you want to get in the pool
I pointed at griffin
G: you can go
I jumped up and ran to avanis room I grabbed the bathing suit I usual wear and ran downstairs padding everyone and jumped into the pool. As I came to the surface griffin and the others came out and got in. I waited for avani to come out she came out and got in to. We were all playing around and I looked at the roof and realized you could jump in from there I went to nick
N: yeah
S: do you have a ladder
N: yeah it's over there
S: thanks
I got out and seat the ladder up. So I could get on the roof as I was climbing griffin saw
G: what are you doing
S: what dose it look like
G: get down
S: whatever you say
I ran off the roof and jumped into the pool. I swam to the surface and griffin was right there
S: that was cool wasn't it
G: what if you got hurt
S: I would've got hurt
G: what if you hit you head or something
S: but I didn't.
G: don't do it again
S: no promises
I heard someone climbing the ladder and looked at it was ryland. We moved out the way and he did a backflip into the pool
S: I want to try
I said going to the ladder to get out but griffin stopped me
S: please I can do a backflip I'll be ok
G: fine but that's it
I ran out the pool and and climbing the ladder. I got on the edge of the roof. I haven't done a backflip in forever so hopefully this goes well. I threw my hands by my side and jumped off once I hit the water I felt relieved.
I came to the surface and everyone was clapping and griffin let out a sigh. I laughed and we played around a little and then we went home.

I'm listening to ppaaaaiiiinnnn right now lol

I'm sad the we're moving because my friends and stuff but my mom really likes the house so yeah. But I'll see them in a year or two when I got to high school. Hopefully. Lol I don't know when I see them again

Do you want to know what!!!!!!

So you know how it was my moms birthday the other day we the day after it me my brother my mom and her boyfriend went out because we went out with my cousins on her actual birthday and I didn't want to go with her boyfriend because I wasn't in the mood and you want to know what she said she said

Mom: don't you want to go out to eat with your family

She was faced the other was and I looked at her like 😐🤣 hold up wait a minute something ain't right. Like she was kidding right he ain't my dad he AIN'T Blood so don't EVER say family when he's involved but I just said

Me: no

And walked away but she made me go.

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