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^My eyes look so glossy in this

Payton picked me up and moved me to the bench.Griffin soon came. He pulled up and Jaden and him got out. They ran to us.
G: what happened
S: me and Abby went swimming and when we got out and was walking up the hill it gave out.
G: what do you mean 'gave out'
S: you know don't work, sin pierna de trabajo

^ no leg work

G: yeah yeah I got it. Why are you here
S: I-I was walking and Abby asked if I wanted to hang out and I said yes.
G: well, did you hit it on something or what
He said bending down and looking at it.
S: no I was just walking up the hill
G: how long have you not been able to fell it
S: idk
P: 20 or 30 minutes
G: we need to get to the hospital.
S: ugh I basically live at the hospital now
G: then stop doing stuff your not supposed to
S: you never said I'm not aloud to hang out with a friend you said 'don't do anything your not supposed to.'
G: let's just get in the car. Y'all need a ride home
He said pointing to Abby and Payton.
Abby: nah I live right down there
P: no I'm good but thank you
G: no problem.
He picked me up and brought me to the car.
S: wait I want to sit in the front
J: no
He ran and got into the front.
S: fuck you
G: no cussing
He sat me in the car and drove to the hospital.

B: you just can't stay out of here can you.
S: idk
B: can't feel it
S: yep.
She came over to me and put my legs off the edge. She examined it.
B: it's pail
She pressed on it in a few spots.
B: there's no blood flow in it how long has it been like this.
J: a little over a hour now.
B: you need to stand up
S: um Bailey I don't think you know how standing works. You have to ne-
B: if you just don't get up.
She helped me 'stand' I was leaning on the bed. She examined it again. She pressed on my upper thigh.
B: there's a little flow going on there. Tell me if you can feel this.
She pinched my upper thigh hard
S: ow you couldn't do it not as hard.
B: did you fell it
S: no I just said ow for no reason
B: I'm about to put tape over your mouth
She said as she picked up her clipboard.
B: Keep standing and in twenty minutes in going to come back. Griffin I need to speak to you.
Griffin got up and followed her out side the hallway.
S: ugh I'm tired.
J: then go to sleep
S: I can't I'm standing
J: loser
S: lOsEr
I mocked him. I got a text and looked at it. I changed my phon in the car on the way here.

Hey are you still in the

Read at 12:58 am

I didn't know how to respond to that it just felt awkward. I just left him on read. Soon griffin came back in.
S: what did she say
G: if there's still no blood flow your going to your leg she's going to have to put you in a CT scan.
S: I'm tired of standing
G: just a few more minutes.

B: ok
S: finally
B: it wasn't that bad
S: I'm tired
B: can you feel it
S: no
She came over and examined it again she pressed on it a few times.
S: well
B: still no flow.
S: ugghh
B: c'mon let's get in in the CT scan
She got a wheelchair that was already in the room and took me to the ct scan.

S: so what wrong with me
I said as she walked into the room. Kio and josh came a little while ago.
B: when you were in the crash were the back of your legs squished onto the seat
S: yeah why
B: well ( so I don't know how to word this but just think of something that happened with her vain and she has to have emergency surgery or something ok, ok)
S: When
B: right now
S: Bailey did you go to school
B: yeah why
S: do you know what double checking is
I laughed
B: I'm about to knock you out.
She laughed to. She got me ready for the surgery. I was saying bye to everyone now.
G: I love you
S: I love you too
J: bye dork
S: bye loser
Jh: be able to walk went you come out
S: I try
S: keep buddy safe
I said turning to kio
K: I will
B: the surgery is going to be only 3-4 hours
S: still
S: bye
G,J,Jh,&K: bye
The doctors pushed me away behind the doors.

Griffin's POV

I wasn't as scared as I was with all of her other surgeries. But I was still nervous. We all watched as she went behind the doors talking to Bailey. I turned around and went back to the room.
K: do you want me to call and tell the others.
G: yeah. I will to
I got my phone out I called most of the hype house and Kio called the rest and then Bryce and Anthony.
I was sitting down watching tv. Josh and Jaden fell asleep and Kio went to get something to eat for us. When Skye's phone started going off like crazy. I picked it up and was going to put it on silent but happen to take a glimpse of who was texting her. Payton. I started to read them.


Skye are you there

Why are you ignoring me

Are you mad at me

You have no reason to
be mad at me

I'm starting to get

Skye can you answer


I'm the one that should
be mad at you. You
cheated on me.

That one sent me off


this is griffin. Skye is
in surgery and she didn't cheat
on you. She was at the house
all day. If you really cared then
you would let her explain and
believe her then some stupid
drama page.

Read at 1:27 am

^you know you messed up when the dad text you.

I set her phone down and continued watching the tv. Soon Kio came back and we ate.

Bailey just came in a told us that she would be coming out shortly. It was now 5:34 am. I woke up josh and jaden.
They just brought her back. They said she would wake up in a bit.

Skye's POV

I woke up and fluttered my eyes open. My leg hurt really bad.
S: d-dad
G: yeah
He said as he took his attention off the tv. He sat up and looked at me
S: it hurts.
I said on the verge of tears.
Jh: I'll get a nurse
He got up and got a nurse.

B: we can't give you anymore medicine because the surgery took longer then we thought so we had to give you a extra dose of Anastasia and if we give you more medicine you could OD
I just nodded and she left.

Tehe 🤭

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