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^i miss twig Jaden😞😭

3 days later

We left the hospital earlier. They gave me crutches. My whole leg is in a cast so it's kinda hard to move.
G: we're going to the store do you want one of us to stay.
S: no it's fine y'all can go
G: ok call me if you need anything
I nodded and he left.

I got really thirsty so I grabbed my crutches. I went to the elevator. I stepped out and made my way to the kitchen. I was looking for a cup when I came across a cabinet. I realized I've never opened it. It was filled with alcohol and white claws and red solo cups and fire ball, a lot.  I got one of the cups and got orange juice out of the fridge, and vodka, and cherry grenadine. I mixed them together and put everything up. I took a sip and the taste burned in my throat. But tasted good. I sat down at the island stoles and got on my phone and scrolled threw tiktok as I took sips of it.

I put the rim of the cup to my lips. I felt nothing fall into my lips and looked in the cup. I've drunk all of my second cup. I slid out of the seat and hopped over to the fridge. I got out the orange juice and set it onto the counter I was on my way to the cabinet when I heard the door open. I quickly turned around poured to orange juice in the cup
G: hey hey hey what are you doing
He said running over to me and putting the orange juice up for me.
S: I was thirst.
I said not making eye contact and and going back to my phone. I grabbed my phone and crutches and was making my way out of the kitchen when Bryce said something
B: who drunk this
I looked back and he was holding up the little over half empty vodka bottle. I shrugged and tried to go to the elevator faster.
G: skye
S: yeah
G: come here
S: ok
I turned around and went over to him looking down.
G: look at me
I looked up at him. He examined my face and looked at the cup
G: what's in the cup.
S: orange juice
I showed him.
G: where did you get the cup
S: in the cabinet
G: witch one
S: the cup cabinet
I examined my face one more time
G: why are your eyes red
S: allergies
G: you didn't go outside
S: fine I was crying
G: you usual take a nap after you cry
S: I didn't want to take a nap
G: bull shit just tell me the truth have you've been drinking
S: you could've just as-
G: answer the question
S: no
G: ok
I started to walk away
G: your grounded
S: what, why
G: I can smell it in your breath
I just went to the elevator and went to my room. Buddy came in. She jumped on the bed and I started petting her. Then Jaden came in.
J: tell her to stop pooping my room
S: it's not my fault she likes to poop in your room
J: yes it is.
He walked out and griffin came in.
G: why did y-
S: idk
G: y-
S: yes I know
G: th-
S: I don't know why I did it I just came across the cabinet and yeah.
G: I-I don't know what to do anymore I tried everything but your not listening.
S: I'm sorry I just can't help it. It takes over my body and I can't control myself.
G: I know just try not to do it.
I nodded and he left.

Griffins POV

I need to find something that makes her stop. I went back upstairs.
G: do y'all know anything that helps you with your problems.
J: I like to sing
B: I vape
G: n-
S: I like that idea
I looked behind me and she was in the elevator. How did she get her so fast.
G: no
Jh: you could....you know......
we all just looked at him. He was moving his hands forward
G: therapy
I mouthed He nodded.
G: I don't know
S: what
G: nothing go back downstairs
K: no I don't think that's a good idea
A: she's not going to like it
S: what are you talking about.
Jh: but what if it helps
S: I'm not doing anything till you tell me
G: go back downstairs
S: tell me
G: no
She went into the kitchen
A: she's not going to like it you seen how she was with the leg
He whispered
K: yeah
Jh: well it might help and she might stop 
B: yeah just give it a shot
A: nope skye its not my idea
K: me neither
They yelled. They both got up and left we looked and Jaden
J: it might help
G: ok
I went into the kitchen were skye was
S: what was you talking about.
G: nothing
S: yes it was something tell me
G: no your going to find out tomorrow
S: I'm staying right here until you tell me
G: fine I'm taking you to therapy
S: no your not
G: yes I am it will help
S; talking to a random stranger is not going to help.
G: yes it is
She got up and went to her room. I heard a loud bang. She punched the wall.

Sorry this is short I have to babysit so bye love you

You know what I just thought of. Griffins hospital bill must be HIGH

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