Surgery pt.2

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I started to fell tired so I laid my head down but then someone walked in, I looked and it was Tayler
T: hey I was just checking up on you
I just laid my head back down I saw griffin get up and walk over to him
G: you have no right to be here so get out
T: what do you me
G:your going to give my daughter a hickey and then later on call her a slut because she was helping a friend and not paying attention to you so I suggested you leave
T: look in sorry I was mad and I took it out on here just forgive me
I stayed silent trying to do to sleep because idk why but I just felt really sleepy
G: leave
I heard the door slam shut
S: thank you
G: he's a bitch
I laughed a little
G: you tired
S: yeah
G: I'll let you sleep

Griffin POV

I saw her fall asleep I was just thinking about stuff when the heart monitor started to beep really fast I ran over to her and pressed the button and soon doctor Bailey came in
Bailey: sir you need to get out
G: no
Bailey: you need to get out if you want us to save your daughters life
They all pushed me out and closed the door this was just like last time the only thing I can do is sit around and wait

I have been waiting for about 4 hour now and it is the longest 4 hours of my life. it was just me sitting in the waiting room looking at the time every four minutes finally doctor Bailey came out I walked out to here
G: is she ok it's been four hours
Bailey: yes she's fine we had to do emergency surgery because her lung collapsed
G: what dose that mean
Bailey: you know how her heart rate would go up it's because she couldn't breathe because her lung it stoped

( yes I know that made not since but I really don't care so bye)

G: is she alive
Bailey: yes she hasn't woke up yet so give her a little more time
G: can I see her
Bailey: yes
We walked back to her room and there she was asleep her face a little pail
Bailey: she should wake up shortly
G: ok
I sat beside her and grabbed her hand and squeezed it
G:hey you probably can't hear me but I love you, you didn't die this time but you had to have surgery but she said you'll be fine they didn't remove the tumor it was for your lungs. The said you did good.
I stayed there holding her hand and and I soon felt a squeezed I looked at her and she was opening her eyes
G: hey
S: hi
G: you made it
S: so I had surgery
G: you heard
S: yeah I love you too
S: so I still have the tumor
G: yeah sadly
We were watching tv when the boys came
B: hey kid
S: hi
A: Anything new

Skye's POV

Griffin looked at me and I nodded telling him he could tall them
G: she has a tumor
J: we already know that
Jh: no we didn't
J: oh yeah y'all  weren't there because I'm her favorite
S: you wish
K: wait so she has a tumor
G: yeah we found out the night before her birthday
Jh: and you didn't think to tell us
G: she wouldn't let me
There faces looked kinda shocked not really
B: what else
Griffin looked at me again and I nodded
G: she just got out of surgery
A: what
G: something with her lung
J: did she like pass out again
G: yeah but she stayed alive this time
Jh: wait wait wait what do you mean stayed alive
G: the night when we found out she had the tumor she just randomly passed out and her heart stopped for 5 seconds but it's started again and the same thing happened today but she didn't die
B: so she died 
G: yeah
B: that's so cool how did it feel
Everyone looked at him like he was crazy but I would do the same thing
S: pretty cool actually
K: so are you ok
S: yeah
A: so what are they going to do about the cancer
G: they gave her pills and they said there's a 80% chance she's going to have surgery
Jh: who all knows
S: y'all and Dixie knows about the tumor but not the lung thing or death

It was now me and griffin again watching tv then there was a knock on the door griffin got up and it was Payton he let him in
S: hey
Payton: how you doing
S: good u
Payton: good, anything new
S: n-no
Then I heard a timer turn off
G: pills?
I got two of them and took them
Payton: how can you take those
S: just swallowed them with water
G: I'm going to go get clothes for the night, and Payton don't try anything or I'm going to kill you
Payton: I won't
Then he left and Bailey came in
Bailey: were going to do another ct scan to see if the blood stoped
S: ok but griffin isn't here
Bailey: he said I could but just tell him how it went
S: ok, you coming
Payton: yeah
She got me i the wheelchair and we got to the ct scan room
Bailey: ok Payton wait in that room I'll be in there shortly

Payton POV

I went into the room and watched Bailey out her in the thing
Soon Bailey came in and done stuff on the computer. Then a x-ray thing showed up
Bailey: the bleeding is gone
I was looking at it and seen this weird looking thing
Payton: what's that
I said pointing at it
Bailey: that's the tumor
I stood there in shock
Bailey: she didn't tell you?
Payton: no
Bailey: take it easy on her ok
Payton: ok
Bailey: skye the bleeding stopped I'm going to take you out ok
S: ok
She sang
Payton: she's a weirdo
We left the room Bailey grab the x-rays and we got skye our
S: dose this mean I can walk
Bailey: yeah but take it easy with the stitches
Payton: I thought you took them out
Skye hit Bailey on the arm
Bailey: who else doesn't know so I know
S: everyone except for Payton, Dixie, josh, Jaden, Kio, Anthony, and Bryce
Bailey: ok I'll be more careful when I'm talking about it
S: ok can we walk around the hospital
Bailey: yes
S: when griffin comes back tell him
Bailey: ok
Then she left us alone
Payton: so what else do I not know
S: what do you know
Payton: I know you have stitches somewhere, and you have a tumor
S: you seen It
She side
Payton: yeah, why didn't you tell me
S: I was just scared what your reaction was going to be
Payton: ok well we're are the stitches and why do you have them
S: think morning something with my lung and I had to be rushed to surgery I wasn't awake during this it happened when I fell asleep griffin told me
Payton: sorry
S: no I should be sorry not telling you when you asked
Payton: what else happened
S: don't freak out but I kinda died for 5 seconds
Payton: what how
S: I felt dizzy and pasted out and I died for 5 seconds but came back alive
Payton: when did this happen
S: the night before my birthday that's how we found out about to tumor
Payton: promise you'll tell me stuff for now on
S: only if you don't tell anyone
Payton: promise
S: promise
We were walking around the hospital for awhile tell I wanted to ask her something
Payton: skye would you like to be my girlfriend?
I said as I stood in front of her

Haha you have to wait for the answer
^that looks bad but I'm sticking my tongue out at you

Do you get it now dirty children

^i shouldn't be talking lol

If you want you can ask me questions and I'll try to answer them in the next chapter, you don't have to tho

𝕆𝕜 𝕥𝕙𝕒𝕥𝕤 𝕥𝕙𝕖 𝕖𝕟𝕕 𝕠𝕗 𝕥𝕙𝕚𝕤 𝕔𝕙𝕒𝕡𝕥𝕖𝕣 𝕓𝕓𝕓𝕪𝕪𝕪𝕖𝕖𝕖♡︎

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