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I woke up to someone shaking me
S: what
I groaned
G:it's time for your appointment
S: what time is it
G: 11 now get up
S: do I have to get ready can I just wear sweats
G: yeah just get up
I got up my head still hurting but the other day I told griffin it didn't so I could go to the hype house because I didn't want to be stuck in the house all day I walked to my closet not even worried about taking a shower. I put on gray sweat pants and a hoodie I walked into the bathroom and brushed my teeth and barely brushed my hair because it still hurts when I touch it and covered the hickey that I was disgusting with. I walked upstairs were all of them were
S: why are y'all up so early
A: it's 11
S: yeah on a Saturday
G: you ready
S: yeah
K: were you going
G: appointment
B: have fun
S: yeah
J: hope your ok
S: yeah bye
Everyone: bye
Me and griffin got in the car and when I sat down I got a headache
G: you ok
S: yeah I just don't want to go
G: your fine your back in your feet not hurting anymore
S: yeah
I said kinda sighing.

About an hour later we pulled up I got out and the pain cane back YAY even more on top of my headache we walked in and sighed in
G: hey skye what's your birthday
I didn't want to tell him but I guess I have to
S: umm April 23 2006

( it has to be that because the school thing it was going to be June 23 but noooo because I just had to make it school time ok well back to the story).

G: ok
Thank the lords he did not notice that was tomorrow I hate my birthday especially when people throw me surprise party's. We waited about 30 mins and we got called. I was sitting on the bed thing waiting for the doctors. The nurse came in and started asking questions
Nurse: ok I'm going to ask questions
S: ok
Nurse: dose it hurt other then when you touch it
I looked at griffin and sighed
S: yes
He looked at me confused
Nurse: ok what does it fell like. Pounding pain, a sharp pain
S: pounding
Nurse: ok when dose it hurt
S: when I stand up and am on my feet
Nurse: ok do you get dizzy
S: yeah
Nurse: is it random or when your standing up
S: random
Nurse: do you get headaches
S: yeah
Nurse: randomly
S: yes
Nurse: ok I'll be right back
Then she walked out the room
G: why didn't you tell me
He said sighing
S: cuz I wanted to go and get out the house
G: skye you need to tell me this stuff this could be serious
S: I know
We just waited for her to come back witch she did I like 15 minutes later
Nurse: ok you need to do a ct scan so we can see if everything is ok but it is your choice
G: yeah
Nurse: ok I have it ready for you put this on and will be on our way
She gave me a gown and I went to the bathroom and put it on griffin was the only one in the room I went rover to him
S: I'm scared
I said as tears filled my eyes

( no joke I was so scared when I had to get on but it didn't even touch me lol I'm just a wimp lmao)

G: hey, it's going to be ok
S; I'm sorry I didn't tell you
G: you didn't know batter it ok it's not even going to touch you
S: ok
I was now crying while he was hugging me then the nurse came back with a wheelchair
Nurse: you don't have to be scared it won't touch you it's no harm
S: ok
I started to walk out the door
Nurse: nope your taking the wheelchair
She put me in and we head to the room

( so basically she done the ct scan and got out and went to a different room a hospital room not and check up office and she was laying on the bad)

S: griffin
G: yeah
S: I'm scared, I cause this
G: you didn't know better and we don't even know if it's serious or just nothing
S: yeah but still what if it is something big and and I have to
I got cut off by the nurse walking in
Nurse: I'm your doctor my name is Doctor Bailey

( a haha you see what I did if you didn't sorry not sorry)

Nurse: ok so umm you have bleeding in your brain
S: how do you treat it
Nurse: well since it's been going on for what we think 3 days  you have to have surgery or you can sit here and see if it goes down but if it doesn't in like three days we have to have surgery right away so it doesn't get worse and so we can handle it
I started to cry griffin hugged me
Nurse: I'm sorry do you need time to decide
I nodded and she left I soon stopped crying
S: this is all my fault
G: no it is not
S: do I have to have surgery
G: you can choose

After thinking for a while I made a decision
S: I'm going to wait
G: are you sure what if doesn't go down
S: yeah but what if it dose
G: are you sure
S: yeah
G: ok I'm going to tell the boys
S: don't tell anyone else
G: I won't.
He got on the phone in the boys and told them they said they were coming and  bailey came back
Bailey: did you decide
S: yeah I'll wait
Bailey: ok so I need to go over something things with you so you understand
S: ok
Bailey: so your going to stay in here the only time your getting up Is if you need to use the restroom, if your head started to hurt really bad press this button I'll get a alert and come as fast as I can, and the same with dizziness, that is all I need to get you on a iv and I'll leave you alone
S: ok
She went to my left arm and cleaned in and stuff then I heard the door open and it was the boys
S:he- owww
I jolted my head to wear I felt the stabbing pain in my elbow cress
S: your not going to give me a 3-2-1 or anything
I could hear the boys laughing in the back
Bailey: should've been paying attention
Then she left and I could still see the boys wanted to laugh
A: so what's wrong
He got out without laughing
S: my brain is bleeding
Jh: I'm sorry
S: it's ok
J: are you going to have surgery or anything
S: I'm not having surgery yet but if it continues bleeding then I'm having it
K: hope it stops
S: me to
G: hey can I talk to y'all about something in the hall
The boys: yeah
They all went out into the hall and right when they left my phone started buzzing I looked at it and it was kelei I answered it and they all were together by all I mean tray Payton grace and Abby
S: hey
Kelei: we were wondering if you wanted to come to the park
S: I kinda cant
Payton: why not
S: well I'm in the hospital
Payton: what happened
S: you know the head thing well today was a check up and I guess I have bleeding in my brain and yeah but I'm not having surgery I'm waiting a couple of days to see if it's going to stop on it's own if it doesn't then I'm having surgery
Abby: skye I am so sorry I should've stayed
She said grabbed the phone
S: it's not your fault ok
Abby: bu-
S: no it is not your fault
Tray: do you want us to come and see you
S: if you want but someone put something in grace mouth
Grace: why
S: because Jaden's here
Grace: uugghhhh
S: is she ok
Tray: no she has practice
S: oh
G: I'll come see you tomorrow
S: ok
Payton: wait so we're aloud to come
S: yes I'll tell them
Payton: ok 
Everyone: byyeee
S: bye
Then they hung up and griffin and them came back into the room
S: um my friends are coming well not grace she has practice
B: is she the one that popped my ear drums
S: yes
I said giggling
J: what do you mean
S: she's my friend and I was on FaceTime with her and she met everyone and scream
J: why didn't I meet her
S: I didn't get to you and your her favorite so she would've died
Jh: we are right her you know
J: I can't help that I'm just so hot
S: yeah ok
We were just talking and some of them had to go but josh, Jaden, and Anthony stayed and of course griffin and then Payton tray kelei and Abby showed up
S: hey
Abby: hi
Abby came up and gave me a hug and whispered sorry
S: nope
Then kelei and tray and Payton gave me a hug
J: so any of y'all fans
Payton: no not really in a nice way
J: so who is the fan
We all looked at each other and yelled grace at the same time I laughed and so did they
J: is she here
Tray: no she has practice
They were all talking and getting alone surprisingly and I noticed how griffin kept checking his phone
G: hey could I talk to y'all for a second
He said as he looked to Payton tray Abby and kelei
Them: yeah
They went out to the hall way
S: what is he doing
Jh: I'm sure it's nothing
S: or ruining my life
J: over dramatic much
S: your the one thinking your hot and stuff
A: she got you
I looked back to were they were and I seen avani, nick, Ryland, Dixie, and TAYLER. I looked at josh
S: josh, josh, josh, josh
Jh: what
S: he's here
Jh: what wh- ohh
A: who's here
S: no one
Jh: I'll talk to him
S: no
Jh: do you want him to come in here and you know
S: no
Jh: ok then
He got up and I could see him and Tayler went farther away from the others and I could see the anger in joshes eyes
A: what happened
S: nothing
J: something obviously happened
S: just leave me alone
J; ok I was just asking a question

Hello this is the end of the chapter

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