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Griffin put me in the car and he drove as fast as he could to the hospital. He picked me up and ruched me into the emergency room. I was now holding a shirt full of blood to my neck and was dizzy. My top half of my shirt was covered in blood to.
G: help she lost a lot of blood
The nurses quickly got a stretcher and griffin laid me down on it. He had some blood on his shirt.
S: I l-love yo-
Everything went black.

Griffins POV

S: I l-love yo-
Then she went out
G: no skye y-
Nurse: sir step beck we have to take her to a room
G: can I come
I watched as they pushed her away
Nurse: no I'm sorry
She walked away. I felt like screaming. Felt my phone buzz I. My pocket.
G: hello
J: hey we got her how's skye
G: idk there not letting me back there and she past out before they pushed her back.
J: the police want to speak to you and skye
G: idk when they can
J: ok who was that person anyway
G: idk
J: ok well we're coming they already took her into custody they just want to ask y'all if you want to press charges and others things.
G: ok.
I hung up. I took a seat and waited for them to come.

Payton's POV

After skye hung up I just laid there on my bed. I shortly heard sirens. I walked outside not to be nosey or anything but you don't really hear sirens in out neighborhood. I looked down the street and it was at skye's house. More neighbors came out and I seen how they put a woman in the cop car. I walked over starting to get worried.
P: hey is skye ok
I said to josh
Jh: idk we're about to go to the hospital to check can you watch buddy
He said kinda panicking.
P: yeah
I followed him inside and got buddy on her leash. He got his car keys and they drove off. I walked buddy to my house.
Payton's mom: hey are they ok
P: idk skyes in the hospital. They asked if I could watch buddy.
Payton's mom: I'm sure she's going to be ok she's tuff
P: they put this lady in the cop car. I'm going to be in my room.
She nodded and I went up to my room with buddy. I closed the door and took her leash off.
P: what do you want to do.
She walked around and went to the guitar skye got me. She sniffed it and laid down beside it and looked say.
P: it's ok she's going to be ok.
I went to my drum sat and hit it with the drum stick a couple times.
P: you want to go on a walk
She stood up. I grabbed her leash and put it on her.

Griffins POV

I was waiting in the waiting room. They haven't told me nothing. I see the boys rush in they looked around and seen me. Kio got a shirt on.
J: were is she
G: back there. There not letting me in. And they haven't told me anything.
Jh: Payton is watching buddy while we are here.
They all sat down and we all waited.

Nurse: skye Johnson
I stood up and walked over to her
Nurse: she lost a lot of blood. We put stitches in her shoulder and there's a bandage on her neck. Your very lucky that she is alive.
G: can I see her
Nurse: yes follow me.
The boys started to follow with.
Nurse: only one person can be in the room till she stares to feel better
They nodded and sat back down. I followed her into the room
Nurse: ok she's not awake yet so don't make not sudden noises.
I nodded and she opened the door. I walked in and looked at skye. She looking pail. I walked up to her and the nurse left the room and closed the door. I went over to skye and sat down in the chair next to her.
G: thins is my fault I should've done something. I'm sorry. I understand if you hate me. I don't know why I didn't do anything I'm sorry
S: it's not your fault
She said in a raspy voice. I looked up at her. I smiled.
S: how long was I out
G: a hour or two.

Skye's POV

I turned my head to look put the window but I immediately regretted it.
S: ow
I put my hand up to hold my neck but it hurt in the shoulder
S: owwww
G: yeah don't move your neck or that arm.
We were just sitting there while I used my other arm to hold my shoulder.
G: who was that
S: who
G: the woman that...
s: oh she um she's my mom
I said thinking about the previous events.
G: oh. She's in custody they want to ask us if we want to press charges.
S: idk
G: you have some time to think about it.
S: is buddy at home
G: no josh said Payton is watching him.
S: oh 

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