Oh no

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I woke up and it was like 2 in the morning. I heard rocks being thrown at my window I got up and Kelei tray and Abby was there

( grace is on a trip with her family

I opened the window
S: hello
Kelei: hey you want to come
S: were
Tray: it's a surprise just come
S: ok go to the front I'll be there
I closed the window and put on shorts and a hoodie and went to the front door. When I opened it they were all there
Abby: you ready
S: were we going
Kelei: picking up Payton and then it's a surprise.
S: ok
Tray: you kicked ass today
Kelei: I could never do that
s: yeah but it was self defense right.
Abby: yeah
S: griffin grounded me for a month Even tho it was self defense.
Tray: ok I forgot witch one is his window
S: I think it's the 3 
Kelei: ok get the rocks
We threw a couple rocks and he opened the window
Payton: I'll be down
We went to his door and he came out
S:now can y'all tell me
Payton: oh you haven't been
S: yeah
Abby: will be there in a little
S: ok
Abby: I'm tired of walking
S: here
I bet down and she jumped on. I grabbed her legs and Started to run. She started to scream I finally stopped and looked back that the boys and they were laughing and Kelei was recording.
Payton: pose
I posed and threw my foot up and Abby done the piece sign and stuck her tongue out.
S: send that to me
Abby: and me
Kelei: ok it around the corner
We continue walking and I turned the corner and there was woods
S: the woods wow I have never seen this
Tray: no it's in the woods
S: what a wolf
Payton: no you'll see
We walked farther into the woods with Abby still on my back and there was a little cabin.
S: what's this
Tray: what's the password
Abby: 2736


He entered it and opened the door and flicked a light switch and it was like a little play room
Payton: we come her every Thursday.
Abby: me tray and grace made it a while ago and we all cane her on Thursday because that's when everyone's free
S: this is cool what do you do.
Kelei: Abby smokes sometimes drinks and we usually talk or play the games
Abby hopped off my back and sat in the beanbag. I sat next to her. She grabbed a lighter out of the jar and rolled a joint
Abby: want one
S: no I heard griffin say he was going to give me a drug test earlier


I was about to walk into griffins room to ask if we could get something to eat but I stopped when I heard him talking to Bryce
B: so what are you going to do
G: I don't know I just feel like she has been doing them again. I think I'm going to give her a drug test just to make sure
B: ok but she might get mad at you
G: that's why I don't want to
B: whatever makes you feel better.
I walked to Anthony and asked him if we could get Taco Bell.


Payton: why
S: he thinks I've been doing it again after with Abby.
Tray: that's messed up
S: yeah but it's whatever I can't stop him.
Kelei: yeah who wants to play
He said holding up controllers
S: I guess what we playing
Kelei: Mario cart
S: you ready to lose

S: stop getting in front of me
Kelei: no
I got a mystery box and i got  turtles. He was still in front of me and I hit home with the turtle and drove past him to the finish line.
Kelei: rematch
S: for the third time.
Kelei: fine.
I was sitting on Payton's lap because there was no other seats. And he had his hand on my thigh. He took a picture of me without me looking.
S: delete that
Payton: no you look cute
He showed it to me
S: send it to me loser
Payton: All ready did
S: anyway. I told you, you were going to lose.
K: yeah yeah
Abby: I'm hungry
She said getting up and going to the mini fridge.
Abby: you want something
S: orange juice
She threw me a orange juice and I caught it
Payton: nice catch
S: thanks
Tray: it's going to get light soon so we need to go
S: yeah
We turned everything off and and locked to door and went out the woods
Abby: can you carry me again
S: yeah get on
She jumped on my back and we were being stupid. We ended up at Payton's it was already light kinda. And I gave him a hug and we said bye. We walked to my house and Abby got off and hugged me
Abby: bye
Tray and Kelei gave me a hug and I hugged them back
Tray: see you tomorrow
S: nope suspended for a week
Kelei: really
S: yep well bye
They walked off after saying bye and I walked In The house and no one was up. I went to my room and right when I got in there the first thing I saw was griffin sitting on my bed.
G: were have you been you've been gone all night
He said standing up and walking over to me
G: have you've been smoking
S: no
G: skye don't lie you small like weed it obvious
S: since you don't believe me then just give me the drug test that you are already going to give me. Since no one trust me
G: you heard
S: yeah
G: it's not that I don't trust you I'm just trying to keep you safe
S: I'm safe on my own I can take car of myself. I'm 15 years old I'm not a baby
G: your still a kid and half the time you don't think
S: and if I get in trouble I get in trouble there's nothing you can do about it I don't need someone looking over my shoulder every step I take
G: were where you
S: why should I tell you
G: because I'm your dad
S: no your not you just have custody over me till I'm 18. I don't know if you remember but you adopted me. You wasn't there when I was born. Your not related to me at all. Just because we have the same last name and you act like my dad. That doesn't mean you are. You adopted me.
He just walked out the room I could see tears in his eyes.
A: really
S: what
Then he walked away
K: you messed up
S: I mess up on everything I can never do anything right. It's alway me messing up
He shook his head and walked away the same with Bryce.

Get your popcorn for the next chapter it's juicy juicy






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