No im not

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I woke up and didn't want to get out of bed. I laid there playing with buddy. She was bitting my fingers. I got on insta then Snapchat and looked threw a couple little videos they have. Then I went on tiktok. I decided to post. It was just a video of me and buddy playing. I put a sound behind it. I posted it and then got off it trying to keep my mines off the comments.
~I should've turned them off
I set my phone down and continued to play with buddy. After about five minutes I got back on my phone and went on instagram. The first post to pop up is tiktokroom it was the video I just posted

~ skye Johnson posted after a long break after cheating on Payton.

I rolled my eyes reading the caption. I decided to comment

@skyejohnson: for the last time I did not cheat on Payton.
↪️@paytonmoormeier: skye didn't cheat. We're just friends right now

After I read Payton's comment my mouth dropped. What changed his mind. Idk. I turned off my phone and sat up. I hopped to the bathroom and brushed my teeth not really caring for my hair because it wasn't that big of a mess. I hopped over to my closet. I looked at all my clothes. I new I was warring shorts because I can't put pants on over the cast. My phone started blowing up. I ignored it and continued to look.
A: hey
S: hi
A: what are you doing
S: looking for something to wear.
A: what do you have
S: shorts I just need a shirt
A: what about this
He pulled out a crop top from the hanger
S: no
We continue to look
S: I have nothing
A: you have shirts sweat pants hoodies shorts pants shoes socks
S: but nothing I want to wear
A: just wear what you would usually wear and hoodie and shorts
S: oh this
I pulled a shirt off a hanger. It was a mat yellow with a sunset design in it and said California. With some jean shorts
S: get out
A: ok I'm leaving
He left and I got changed. I was putting on my shorts when I fell
S: owww
A: you ok
S: yeah
I used the to stand back up. I pulled my shorts up.
S: can you bring me my crutches
A: yeah
He brought them to me and I went to the elevator
S: I don't want these
I set down the crutches and hopped to the elevator
A: you need them
S: no I don't
A: what if you fall
S: then I fall
I said as I got in.
I got up and Anthony was already there and josh was playing with buddy.
G: what are you doing
S: I don't know what am I doing
G: use those
He pointed to the crutches in Anthony's hand
S: no I don't know how
G: ok
Jaden got up and stepped on buddy's teal making her yelp.
S: what the fuck is wrong with you watch were your going
J: she shouldn't be right at my feet then
S: your a bitch
G: hey stop.
I went over to buddy and sat down and hugged her.
Jh: ask questions
S: who are you talking to
He pointed at his phone on the ring light. That has been there the whole time.
S: oh
G: skye you ready
S: for what
G: to go t-
S: oh no I'm not going
G: yes you are
S: I don't want to
He just looked at me
S: how long is it
G: a hour and thirty minutes
S: what
I yelled.
G: yeah so get up before your
I stood up and hopped to the kitchen
G: skye
He ran up to me and picked me up
S: I don't want to
G: oh well you have to
S: nooo
I screamed
G: your being dramatic
S: Oww you hit my foot
I lied. He put me down at the door and I held it.
G: I'm sorry
I looked over and them and smirked. Anthony started laughing
B: she's lying.
S: really Bryce.
G: skye just come on it's not going to be that bad.
S: yes it is
G: your just going to be sitting there
S: I don't want to go though
G: why
S: because I don't want to
G: well you are
He picked me up and put me in the car

He closed the door leaving me alone with this lady.
S: why am I here
Lady: idk you tell me
S: what's your name
Lady: mrs cooper what's yours
S: skye
S: can I leave
C: you have only been in here for 3 minutes
S: but can I cause I don't know why im here you don't know why I'm here so I should go.
C: yeah I guess I'll see you tomorrow
S: thank you
I gave her a high five and got my crutches and left the room I went down the elevator I walked into the lobby and didn't see griffin I texted him were he was ad he said he'll pick me up when it's over. Now how am I going to get home. My only person I could trust is Anthony. I called him
A: hello
S: can you pick me up
A: aren't you a-
S: yeah but she let me go since we both don't know why I was here.
A: I guess but griffin is going to get mad
S: oh well
A: ok I'll be there
S: ok thank you.
I hung up and sat on one of the chairs. A dude my age came over and sat next to me.
Dude: hello
S: hey
Dude: if you don't mind me asking what happed to your leg
I laughed
S: I just had to have a surgery on it a couple days ago
Dude: why, if y-
S: it's fine. I got into a crash a while ago and I couldn't use my right leg and a couple days ago it gave out again so I had to have a surgery on it.
Dude: sorry that happened so why are you here
S: my dad sent me
Dude: same
S: he thought it would help me to stop drinking and smoking but I don't think so
Dude: that's the exact same reason. Sadly I had to stay the full session.
S: sorry
Dude: how about we ditch this tomorrow
S: what time you coming
Dude: 12:30
S: I'll be here
A: you coming
I looked up and Anthony was there
S: yeah I'll see you later
I stood up and grabbed my crutches and walked out and waved to him. I got in the car and so did he.
A: how was that
S: I don't know didn't get his name
A: what did you do
S: nothing I went In there sat down then she let me go.

Jh: I thought it was a hour and 30
He said as I sat beside him.
S: it was but I didn't want to stay. Where is griffin.
J: he went out to get some stuff
S: ok your still live
Jh: yeah I'm bored
Jh: how old are y'all. Me and Anthony are 18, Bryce is 19, griffin is 22, Kio is 17
S: I'm 15 and Jaden is 3
J: what no I'm not
S: you sure act like it
J: I'm 17 your the one acting like your 3
S: you cry if you don't get what you want
J: that was one time and it wasn't even because of that.
B: just shut up skye's 15 and Jaden's 17.
We were just talking answering questions and stuff till we heard the front door open. All of us looked and griffin came in
G: I need to hurry it's about to end
Everyone was just watching him as he was rushing around.
B: she's right here
G: what
I slid down the couch
G: how did you get here I thought I was going to pick you up
S: it ended early
J: yeah a hour and 15 minutes early
G: what.
Jh: I'm going to head off I'll get back on later
He said as he ended the live.
G: why are you here you were supposed to stay
S: I told you I didn't want to go. She said I could go so I did nothing wrong.
G: the only reason why I brought you there is so u could stop
S: nothing is going to make me stop especially talking to a stranger that I didn't even know her name.
G: your going tomorrow and your staying to full time
S: no I'm not
I said. I got up and went to my room. I laid on my bed and sighed. The only person I would talk to about my problem is Payton. He was like my mini therapist. I miss him. I got my phone and called him
~why am I doing this
I hung up and out my phone down. There was a knock at my door.
S: yeah
A: it me anthony can I come in
S: sure
He came and and shut the door. He sat down on the bed
S: what
A: talk to me
I looked at him
A: c'mon you know me I won't tell anyone
S: I-I miss Payton
I said and tears started to come out.
S: I talked to him about everything I don't know what to do. I can't just go and talk to a random stranger about all my personal stuff that nobody know except me.
A: just think of her as Payton don't look at her just think that she is Payton and your telling Payton it not her.
S: I'll try but I still miss him
A: i know but you'll get over him soon.
He came and hugged me
A: but if that doesn't work. How did you stop cutting
S: drinking and smoking
A: that didn't help
S: nope
I laughed
A: see you feel better your laughing
S: cause it's funny
A: do you know anything that will help you stop
S: no
For the rest of the day I either talked to anthony, cried, or slept.

Hey baby's I missed you how are you doing

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