13 ♔ Painting Gold with Copper

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Her name is Kiriendala Claumont, widely known for her beauty, born from a traveling dancer the king took fancy. Her mother died at childbirth, and so, the princess was taken in as royalty, with no much resemblance to the king aside from the color of the eyes.

Despite her popularity, she does not appear in public often and spends her days in the private library that the king built for her. Despite the endless marriage proposals, King Augustus did not allow her to marry. This led to rumors that he cherished the princess.

The fiction was torn apart when it was announced she was to be married to the duke of the reclusive north, Devanti Norvillon. Dubbed as lawless and vile, the duke's deeds reached the capital even if the man himself does set foot in it.

Rumors had it that his wife divorced him, unable to endure his cruelty. Then a year later, the ex-duchess died in an accident with his lover. This left the duke with his two sons.

Only then King Augustus' intention was brought to light. It was not that he cared for the princess, but he was just looking for the right man to sell her to—or in this case, force her to.

There was no betrothal period, and the princess was directly sent to the north for a ceremony that no member of the royal family attended.

Even Xander did not know that his sister's departure was moved earlier. He returned a week from a territory inspection in the mountains against bandits, to find out the truth.

It was almost a year ago, and the princess, now Grand Duchess, was back with her warm smile while hanging on Xander's neck.

Diana watched the parade of emotion on Xander's face—confusion, surprise, relief, and happiness, rolled in rapid succession.

Wordlessly, he pulled her closer for a hug. Kirien's giggle slowed until it was gone. "There... There..." she said, patting his back.

"How—You look healthy. And the baby?" Diana had never seen him so gentle as he checked Kirien's face.

"Feliziia is born months earlier, but she's alright. I couldn't take her with me just to ensure her health, and Devanti wouldn't allow it."

"Of course, he wouldn't. "

With that window of silence, Kirien finally noticed Diana, who was still recovering from the duchess' beauty.

"This must be the fiancee you mentioned in the letters. She's lovely, brother." Kirien then paused as if she remembered something. "Aw yes, my manners. Countess Huxlin said I forget such simple things." She curtsied and serenely introduced herself. "I am Duchess Norvillon. It's nice to finally meet you, Lady Alcotta."

Diana reciprocated the gesture. It was already mentioned that Countess Huxlin was Kirien's etiquette teacher in the north as well. Xander was also able to take the Countess, who was currently visiting the capital, as Diana's tutor, due to Kirien's influence.

For the sheltered princess, who just learned about etiquette lately, she was flawless. She finally straightened her back and met Kirien's sparkly eyes, yet, there was so much depth in them as if she looking into Diana's soul. Diana did the same, did not look away, nor was intimidated.

"I would love to invite you for tea sometime," Kirien said.

"It would be an honor, Your Grace."

"So am I." And the pleasantries ended there. She also greeted Sivan, quiet in the corner.

But to the aide's dismay, his time with the prince and all the work compiled had to wait. Kirien had latched onto Xander's eyes. "Now, please excuse us. I would like to borrow my brother for a bit."

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