Chapter 1

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Quinn looks around the small room the Pierce's put her in. It was better than sleeping in the woods but she was expecting a little more.

She wanders to the tall mirror next to the door and thinks about everything that has brought her to this point in her life.

When she was about 13 she lost her parents in the great werewolf war deep in the Canadian forests. The Fabray pack was one of the biggest packs in North America but when a rival pack threatened the Fabray's Quinn lost everything. Her father, her mother, aunts, uncles, cousins. Everything. Her father told her to run so she did, she never stopped running after that. Somehow she made it to the the US.

Werewolves are smarter than most so Quinn excelled in school and in learning how to be a wolf. Papa Fabray taught her all the wolf things she knows. Her parents never had a son and she was the only heir of the Fabray's so she was born with penis instead of a vagina.

It pains Quinn to remember her past but she knows she will be better off going to school again after 4 years of running and to settle down with a sort-of family. She didn't know what grade she was in but apparently she was a junior.

A knock at the door to the blonde's room pulls her out of thought.

"Come in." Quinn politely says as she looks at the door just a foot away. The door quickly swings open and she sees the Pierce's only child Brittany who is in the same grade as her.

"You ready to go Quinn?" The bubbly cheerleader asks the other blonde. Brittany had a car so she was going to be driving the alpha around. Quinn only nods. She wants to get closer to the generous family but it's hard for her to do after loosing everything. Brittany looks Quinn up and down. To Brittany Quinn's outfit looks odd on a pretty girl like her. "Are you going to wear that?" Brittany asks and points at Quinn's jeans and black Nirvana shirt. Quinn inspects herself and finds something missing.

"No I almost forgot my jacket." Quinn reaches and pulls a long leather trench coat from behind the door Brittany is holding open. Quinn pulls the jacket on with a smile while the other blonde watches her cautiously.

"That'll do I guess." Brittany looks into Quinn's hazel eyes and she feels almost over powered even though the wolf is just standing there. "Come on we are going to be late for school." Brittany grabs the wolf's hand and drags her to her car. It was October so Quinn would be starting school in the middle of the semester, which she is fine with she just thinks it will be awkward at first.

The ride to school is rode in silence as the blue eyed cheerleader drives and the alpha watches as buildings and trees quickly pass her by. Brittany pulls into the parking lot then pats Quinn's thigh before getting out of the car.

"I am going to go meet up with my friends." Brittany explains and starts to walk off leaving the wolf a little confused. "Text me if you need anything." She waves her phone then jogs off into the school. Quinn gives a quick wave and smile back.

Then it hits her out of nowhere. She is smacked in the face by a new smell. An absolute overwhelming smell. A smell that is completely foreign but a smell she was always meant to smell. Quinn confidently and blindly starts following the new scent. She walks into the school and continues to sniff out the confusing smell. The smell makes her length throb, just the scent drives her crazy and she doesn't know what it is.

From all the way down the hall the wolf catches it, catches who is carrying the wonderful scent. Quinn sees a short brunette leaning against a locker talking to a tall guy, who is about the same height as her when she shifts to the wolf so she isn't very impressed. Quinn slowly starts walking down the hall with the confidence she has always had as she watches the scene in front of her.

Bark at the Moon- FaberryHikayelerin yaşadığı yer. Şimdi keşfedin