Chapter 15

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The blonde looked down at the metal plate sitting in front of her with a fork and knife on the right side and the spoon and napkin on the left side of the plate. She takes the napkin and unfolds it before putting it on her lap. She has manners so she is going to use them as best as she can. Quinn stays quiet as all the wolves branch off into conversations before the meal is served. After a couple minutes of Aidan observing Quinn's silence he leaned in to talk to her.

"You don't need to worry about anyone here besides my father." Quinn looked at him with her eyebrow raised. "Their scared of you, the alpha is cocky and thinks he is better than everyone on this planet." He chuckles at himself and the blonde can't help but smile.

"I heard that." The alpha says from all the way across the table at his son. Aidan just rolls his eyes and looks up as a bunch of men come in with big plates in their hands.

"Thanks." Quinn says to Aidan with a nod then a plate is placed on top of the smaller metal one. The room goes absolutely silent as all the wolves pick up the random slabs of steak with their hands and start to gnaw at them. The blonde smirks and picks up her own meat taking in the beautiful scent coming off of it. She takes a large bite out of the flesh instantly because she hadn't eaten since she had gotten to the warehouse and was starving.

"So Quinn." The alpha puts down his half eaten meat and dabs his mouth with the cloth napkin. The blonde looks up at the alpha over her steak, the whole bottom half of her face covered in the juices from the meat.

"Hm?" She mutters to the alpha as she chews the mouthful of meat in her mouth before putting it on her plate.

"Your father was an extremely strong and powerful man." The alpha pompously said with a smirk. "He was the greatest alpha that has ever lived and that's coming from me." Quinn shakes her head and laughs.

"Don't wave in my face you killing my father and saying he was so great and amazing." She waves her hands in the air sarcastically. "You are an awful alpha."

"I could tell you about killing him." The alpha responds with a wicked smirk. His plan was to eat Quinn from the inside out so she gets thrown off track then maybe it will be easier to kill her in their duel coming up. The blonde goes silent and starts to eat her giant steak again. Chewing sounds are heard all across the table as all the wolves go quiet to hear the banter. "He had me by the throat and Russel would've had me unless my friend hadn't knocked him off of me. Then I killed him easily." The alpha smiled and glared widely to watch for Quinn's reaction but she didn't give him one. She wipes off her mouth with the back of her hand then licks her lips.

"Good job." Quinn says in all seriousness. "Couldn't kill him by yourself I wonder how your going to fend against me." She smiles up at the alpha like she was staring at her. "You not being able to fight my father off tells me one thing, you're weak. I'm strong. So you can play all the mind games you want but I will always be ready to kill you, any day, anytime." She stares deep into his light green eyes with her eyebrow raised. The alpha looks to his left at a man standing against the wall. As soon as the wolf and alpha lock eyes he starts making his was over to Quinn. "Cool see you later." The blonde gets up as the wolf in the suit reaches her. He stretches his arm out to grab her's but Quinn rips her arm away. "One last thing. What is your name?" She asks quickly and stands right behind the chair she was just sitting in.

"Alpha." He responds and puts the meat in his mouth so he doesn't have to talk anymore. She nods her head a couple times.

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