Chapter 11

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Once Rachel and Quinn got back to the brunette's house after Breadstix the girls stood on the porch. The wolf wrapped her arms around Rachel's waist to hold her close to her body. They gazed deeply into each other's eyes finding nothing but love. 

"I'm going to go home." Quinn says and gives Rachel a quick kiss on her plump lips. Rachel whined. 

"No I want you to come in for a little bit." Rachel groaned and leaned her head on Quinn's hot chest.  

"I'd love to but I don't want intrude on you and your dads. It's late anyway." 

"It's like 8." Rachel pouts and sticks her bottom lip out displaying it so Quinn could see. 

"But it's dark and you need to spend time with your dads. I don't like it when you pout." Quinn says in a baby voice and leans down sucking on Rachel's bottom lip. The kiss grows hotter and hotter and the girls stay there for a couple of minutes making out. Rachel wanted to continue this upstairs but Quinn needed to go but she kept on kissing the small girl. The front door sudden swung open and Rachel's dad stood there for a moment as the girls scrambled apart. Quinn couldn't help but snake an arm around Rachel's waist as the girls avoided eye contact with the tall man. 

"Hello my little star and you must be Quinn." The tall man took a step outside and closed the door behind him. The blushing girls stayed silent. "I didn't realize you were dating Quinn." Rachel's dad said directly to his daughter. "Either of you going to talk or are you just going to stand there being embarrassed because I saw you kiss."  


"I was just leaving sir." Quinn holds out her hand for the man to shake. "I'm Quinn Fabray it's very nice to meet you Mr. Berry." 

"Oh don't call me that it makes me seem like I'm an old man. Please call me Leroy." He quickly takes a hold of Quinn's extended hand. 

"I'd be careful dad." Rachel warns her father against Quinn's hot skin. Quinn and Leroy stare into each other's eyes as they grip the others hand tightly. 

"Why honey?" He lets go of Quinn's hand and she releases a breath she didn't know she was holding. Quinn glances at Rachel to tell her to stop talking. 

"Wasn't her hand hot?" Rachel says slowly then takes Quinn hand it hers, it was definitely hot. 

"Um no." Leroy looks at his daughter in confusion. Quinn leans in to whisper to Rachel. 

"I can control it in short bursts." She pulls back from her girlfriend. "I should go, it was nice to meet you si- Leroy." Quinn mouths the next part so Rachel's dad doesn't hear. "I love you." 

"Actually can you stay please." Leroy gives Quinn a knowing nod, she knew what was coming. "Can you go inside Rachel?" 

"Sure, good night Quinn." Rachel gives the blonde a wide smile then steps inside. 

"Miss Fabray." Leroy starts and shifts his weight to his other foot. He completely shifts into scary dad mode with a serious face and a low voice. "I thought I would be having this talk with Finn Hudson so it may be odd for me to talk to a woman." He opens his mouth to speak but Quinn cuts him off. 

"Actually please speak to me like you would speak to a guy, in every way." Quinn emphasizes but she knows he doesn't know she has male parts. 

"Is this some weird lesbian thing?" Leroy asks and waves his hand in the air. He doesn't really know how lesbian relationships work, he knows hetero and homo relationships but not lesbians. 

"You can put it that way." Quinn shakes her head and looks at the ground for a moment. "Sorry for interrupting sir." She apologizes with all sincerity. 

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