Chapter 6

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Quinn walked down the stairs making sure Rachel was close behind her. They found Brittany sitting in the family room with the t.v on. 

"Hey we are going to get dinner. Do want me to pick you up anything?" Quinn asks Brittany as Rachel stays neatly tucked behind Quinn while holding her hand. 

"No thanks." Brittany turns her head away from the t.v and sees Rachel standing there, the cheerleader smiles. "Hi Rachel nice to see you outside of school." 

"Same. I really like your house especially how cold Quinn's room is." Rachel says but Quinn starts pulling her away from Brittany. 

"See you later Britt." Quinn calls out as her and Rachel exit the house. "Where to?" Quinn asks as Rachel drives off.  

"There is this restaurant everyone goes to its called Breadstix with an 'x'. It's kind of a big deal around here." Rachel says as she drives down the dark streets illuminated by tall street lights. 

"My expectations are high." Quinn smiles making Rachel feel warm inside. 

Quinn walks out of Breadstix underwhelmed by there mostly pasta menu. Besides not being able to eat meat she loved having the down time with Rachel. 

"So what do you think?" Rachel asks while the girls walk through the parking lot to Rachel's car. 

"It was fine but I would have rather gotten burger king or something because the best part of dinner was getting to talk to you?" Quinn grins as she looks at Rachel over the roof of her car. 

"Really?" Rachel asks and opens the door. 

"Yup." Quinn snaps the 'p' then gets into the car. 

Once they get back to Quinn's house Mr and Mrs. Pierce insist on meeting Rachel even though both girls want to hurry up and go upstairs. 

"Hello Mr and Mrs. Pierce." Rachel says politely and shakes both of their hands. Rachel loves both of their voices and they seem like such an odd couple but that is the charm of them. 

"Hi I'm Brittany's dad." The short Asian man smiles at Rachel. 

"And I'm her mom." The taller blonde woman resembles Brittany in a way unlike her father. 

"It's very nice to meet both of you." Rachel nods and smiles again before pulling Rachel away from the weird parents. "Can Rachel sleep over?" Quinn stops on the stairs to ask. 

"As long as her parents say its okay." Brittany's mom yells out. 

"Okay thanks." Quinn yells and brings Rachel all the way to her room. 

"I didn't tell you I wanted to sleep over." Rachel sits on the bed and crosses her arms. 

"You didn't have to. I want you to sleep over." Quinn closes the door and locks it before taking of her pants and shirt. She is left in her black boxers and a whit tank top. 

"Really?" Rachel asks and looks over Quinn's beautiful body. 

"Yes I'm getting comfy now lay down and tell me about yourself." Quinn lies her head on the pillow and waits for Rachel to do the same. 

"What do you want to know?" Rachel scoots to the right side of Quinn and immediately cuddles up to her because it's so cold in the room. 

"Mmm." Quinn brings Rachel's knee over her torso and holds the small girl as close to her body as she can. "I want to know about last school year." 

"There was so much drama last year that it was hard for me to keep track off all of it. Can't I just tell you about glee club?" Rachel huffs and nuzzles her head into Quinn's neck.  

"Was there glee club last year?" Quinn asks and rests her head on Rachel's head. 

"Yeah I guess and all the drama had to deal with glee. Forget it let's talk about something else." 

"Okay. What would like to talk about then?" Quinn smiles as she hears Rachel's heart beat. 

"You." Rachel responds and places a quick kiss on Quinn's neck. 

"No. You already know as much as you need to know right now." Quinn shakes her head because she knows if she talks about herself the wolf will somehow come up. 

"You are such a downer. Why can't we find something to talk about?" 

"Because you are stubborn as hell." Quinn bites her lip and waits for Rachel's response. 

"Fine you want to know about last year?" Rachel moves and crosses her arms over Quinn's chest to rest her head on and to look the blonde right in the eyes. 

"I do." Quinn purses her lips and raises her eyebrow at the girl. 

"Your going to get the summary but basically Finn got this girl pregnant or so we thought because the actual baby daddy was Puck. I was head over heels for Finn the whole school year just fore warning you." 

"It's fine crushes happen." Quinn looks at Rachel right in her eyes as she continues her story about last school year. 

"So this girl was pregnant and in the glee club the whole year while she was pregnant. So this lady comes in because I quit the glee club for like a week. The lady ended up being an alcoholic so Mr. Schue fired her and I joined back in the glee club. Then Mr. Schue pitted the boys and girls up against each other for a mash-up battle. None of us won because his crazy wife gave us drugs." 

"Are you fucking serious?" 

"Yeah but we were fine. Then that pregnant girl got kicked out of the cheer leading squad. She was also best friends with Brittany and Santana so don't mention her because she moved to a different town to get away from Puck and her mistakes." Quinn nods her head at Rachel as she talks extremely quickly trying to get as much information in as fast as she can. "Then we did a number in front of deaf kids and the boys all wore wigs and it was awesome. Then we did a mattress commercial and I was on t.v." 

"That's amazing." Quinn beams at the girl. 

"It was amazing. Then at sectionals people stole our set list and we had to come up with a whole new one in 10 minutes. This was also when Finn found out he wasn't the dad and he beat up Puck. At sectionals I sang 'Don't rain on my parade' and it was the best performance of all time."  

"I bet it was." Quinn remembers the song from the movie they watched yesterday at Rachel's house. 

"We won sectionals and it was the greatest feeling ever. Then I started dating Finn but he didn't think we were dating so he broke up with me and I got together with a guy named Jesse St. James. Who is an asshole that I hate a lot. Then I made a music video for the song 'Run Joey run' with Jesse, Puck and Finn in it. They were all pissed at me for a while after that." A chuckle falls from Quinn's lips but Rachel dismisses it and continues on. "Then I got sick and couldn't sing. It was a tragedy." 

"I don't think it was because you sing beautifully now." Quinn laughs again at the girl. 

"But it was then maybe it isn't now. Moving on this guy came in and smashed all of our hopes and dreams for the future. Oh and then I met my mom. Like I said it wasn't that much fun. We sang Lady Gaga and the guys did Kiss." 

"What is a Lady Gaga?" Quinn asks while Rachel shakes her head. 

"You need to get out and listen to some music." Rachel tucks her toes under Quinn's legs to warm them up. 

"I need to get out and do a lot of things." Quinn turns her head away from Rachel for a moment to check to see if she locked the door because she was starting to get hard again. 

"I'm almost done okay?" Rachel asks and Quinn nods. "So then Jesse breaks up with me and goes back to his old show choir Vocal Adrenaline. They perform at our school and put us all in a funk so we turn around and put them in a funk. Finally at Regionals we lost to Vocal Adrenaline because they did a beautiful number singing Bohemian Rhapsody." 

"Now I do know that song. Sorry you lost Shortcake." Quinn frowns into Rachel's brown eyes. 

"It was fine we still have this year and senior year." Rachel smiles and leans her head on Quinn's warm chest. She could feel Quinn harden on her leg but she doesn't say anything remembering what Quinn said before they left for Breadstix. 

"Hopefully I can help you win." Quinn gives Rachel a short kiss on the lips. 

"Oh yeah and after we finished our performance for Regionals the girl went into labor." The wolf laughs at Rachel's sudden urgency. 

"She danced while she was 9 months pregnant?" 

"Yeah. She was actually a good singer and dancer it just sucks that she got pregnant at 16." Rachel frowns and looks down at Quinn's crotch. 

"I would hate to get pregnant at that age even though I can't get pregnant. I wonder what Puck had to go through. Wait what happened to the baby?" Quinn wonders as she goes through scenarios in her head. Maybe adoption or the girl kept her baby and left while Puck stayed here. It would be awful of that girl dropped out of school to raise a child, Quinn thought to herself. 

"Can I?" Rachel asks still eyeing the bulge coming from Quinn's underwear. 

"Can you what?" Quinn looks up and follows Rachel's eyes to her boner. "I guess but I am only going to tell you this one time. I don't want you getting pregnant. If we ever do it we are going to use protection. I don't need a child that's just like me running around when I am this age. Do you understand?" Quinn asks as she places her hand over her throbbing length. Hearing about the girl Puck got pregnant made her worried about getting Rachel pregnant. 

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