Chapter 14

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Quinn knew it was going to be a long drive deep into Canada, at least 2 days trip, so she shut her eyes to maybe get some sleep. It was the end of a very short era that she wish would have lasted forever. Her life will be constantly moving this is just the start. She didn't know if she had fallen asleep but Aidan's voice ringing through the car woke her up.

"We are going to stop a motel to sleep Quinn. Are you hungry? You can pick whatever you like." Aidan gives Quinn a crooked smile as she scowls at him.

"I'm not hungry now but I will be when I wake up." Quinn cleared her throat loudly while crossing her arms. She took one last peek at the boys before closing her eyes again. "When are we getting to this motel?"

"Now." Josh said as he came to a stop and abruptly cut off the engine. Both men got out of the car quickly and opened each either door leading to the backseat. Quinn raised her eyebrow at the men for a moment before exiting out the door Aidan was holding open.

"Fucking weirdos." The alpha said quietly knowing both men would hear her clearly as she went to fix her coat. As her hands moved up she realized that Rachel had her trench coat. She dug in her eyes then pinched the bridge of her nose and let out a low grunt.

"You didn't bring a suit case or clothes." Josh pointed out as him and Aidan approached a door marked fifteen as Quinn stood a few feet behind them.

"I can buy new ones." Quinn stated as they all entered the mediocre room.

"Which one do you want?" Aidan asked and set down his small duffel bag on the round table near the door. There were two queen size beds a couple feet a part and a couch bed all the way across the room near the bathroom. Quinn scanned the room for a moment picking up the smell of sex and cigarettes before choosing the bed that was closest to her. Aidan took the couch bed without hesitation letting his half brother have the other normal bed.

The room went silent as the men went to change because they didn't know how to change in front of a girl. Quinn was absent mindedly laying on the bed with her arms crossed behind her head and humming 'Still into you'. Aidan and Josh stared at each other and started to murmur about Quinn. She rolled her eyes listening to the sexist conversation the men were whispering about.

"You know I have one so why is this such a big deal?" The blonde turns her head and looks at the men. Aidan is standing in front of the couch and Josh is right next to her bed both ready to change into pajamas or some kind of sleepwear. "Nothing I haven't seen before and I'm not looking anyway."

"Yes we know but when you change you're... you are a... um.... a woman on top." Josh waves his hands over his chest.

"Okay." Quinn chuckles and sits up staring hard at the nervous men. "Does my cock turn you on or is it just my tits?"

"Neither." Aidan screams as quickly as possible. "You're our cousin, we don't want to see something you don't want us to see." The dark haired boy says politely as he starts to change. He has changed in front of a bunch of different woman that he has known for a lot shorter time than Quinn. To him it wasn't that big of a deal. He turned around and pulled his boxers off before pulling on green shorts.

"Aidan and I have changed in the same room for a while but you being here feels like peer pressure." Josh looks over his shoulder at Quinn as she lies back down on the bed staring up at the yellow ceiling.

"Whatever I'm not judging even though I am bigger." Quinn chuckles to herself and bites her lip.

"You wanna bet?" Aidan starts walking towards Quinn watching as she lies on the bed with a smirk.

"Dude she is an alpha." Josh catches Aidan's arm pulling him back.

"So am I. One day, maybe." Aidan rips out of his brothers grasp.

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