Chapter 5

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When Quinn got home from Rachel's that night she heard some very suspicious things coming from Brittany's room. She thought that Artie was over but the closer she got to the door she realized that Santana was over. And they were not doing very pg things. Quinn cringed and ran into her room immediately covering her ears with pillows but it didn't help at all because her hearing was like a dogs.

As Rachel pulled into her parking place at school the next morning she saw Finn approach her car. When she got out he bombarded her.

"Hey Rachel." Finn said as Rachel started walking towards the school.

"What do you want Finn?" Rachel snaps at the boy because she doesn't want to be having this conversation right now.

"I'm sorry." The brunette scoffs at the tall boy. "I am Rachel. I am so sorry for what I did and I want to be with you." He pleads but Rachel keeps walking. "I love you. Don't you love me?"

"No I don't love you." Rachel stops to face Finn. "I did last year when you were my knight in shinning armor. You used to be the sweetest and most generous boy I knew. Then this year you became self obsessed, you think you are the coolest guy ever. When in reality you are the worst. I don't love you and there is someone else anyway." Rachel wasn't sure if there was someone else she just said that to make him back off.

"There's someone else?" Finn is getting angry because this 'guy' stole his woman. Rachel smiles at the thought of Quinn and now she knows for sure.

"Yeah there is someone else." Rachel can't contain her smiles as she continues to walk through the school's parking lot.

"Who?" Finn presses Rachel who just shakes her head at him. "Who Rachel?"

"Whoever I want. You don't need to know." Rachel yells at the boy to try and get it through his thick skull.

Quinn hears the commotion from across the lot and runs over to help Rachel.

"I asked you a question Rachel." Finn grabs both of Rachel arms and shakes her a little.

"You're hurting me." Rachel tries to struggle away from the boy but he isn't letting go.

"Who?" Finn was boiling over and he didn't even realize what he was doing when he was doing it.

"Let go of her." Quinn places a hand on Rachel then shoves Finn as hard as she can sending him to the ground, just like she did the desk and chair. Finn crawls to his elbows but stays in place on the ground. "You okay?" The wolf laces her arm around Rachel's waist.

"I am now." They smile at each other for a moment as they walk into the school. "How did you do that?"

"Do what?" Quinn scoffs and holds Rachel a little closer.

"Push over Finn. He's huge." Rachel loved the feeling of Quinn's arm holding her close.

"I'm bigger." Quinn laughed thinking about her wolf. Rachel was left confused and wondering what Quinn meant.

"Your not though. You are almost a foot shorter than him."

"Not like this I'm not bigger than him but in other ways I am bigger." Quinn lets her arm fall off of Rachel's side.

"Is this going to be another 'You don't know the whole truth' thing." Rachel stops and looks up into the hazel eyes before her.

"It could be if you don't trust me." Quinn cocks her head to the side and waits for Rachel to respond which she knows isn't going to be good.

"How could I trust you when I don't know the whole truth." Rachel crosses her arms and the scowl returns to Quinn's face. The wolf takes a step towards the girl getting all up in Rachel's face.

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