Chapter 12

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Finn had fallen into a deep depression after Rachel had dumped him. He blamed it all on Quinn, every little thing that happened was the blonde's fault. She was hot but a lesbian that stole Rachel away. Her magical seduction powers swooned all of the boys and Rachel. Finn was angry. 

He lashed out at his mother and his friends everyday. He was lost without Rachel, he thought one day he might marry the small girl. But Quinn had to come along and ruin his plans. He was almost at his darkest when he planned that attack against Quinn in the parking lot but today was a whole different level of dark.

"You stole her from me." Finn yells as he swings the metal bat, Quinn puts an arm up to protect the side of her head as the bat comes hurdling down and hits her right on the arm she put up. The sound resonates through the whole house and Rachel comes out of Quinn's room as fast as she can. "Rachel is the love of my life and you took her mercilessly."

Quinn falls to her knee as Finn continues hitting her as hard as he can. The sound of the bat hitting Quinn is of metal pounding metal. The wolf takes the beating, it barely hurts her but she let's Finn let his anger out until she hears her mates blood curdling scream. 

"Stop." Rachel screeches in a cry as she comes down the stairs. Quinn looks up at Finn with a smile, she wasn't bleeding and she wasn't in pain. Nothing that boy could do would ever stop the wolf. The blonde's nails grew and her teeth gnashed and sharp. As Finn swung down again she grabbed the bat tightly and stood up. She twisted the bat in her hand making it fall out of Finn's. 

"Uh oh." The boy whispered as Quinn dropped the bat to her side and took a step towards Finn. He saw her eyes glowing and he thought he was looking into the eyes of the devil, close enough because Quinn was about to bring hell down on the idiot boy. She grunts as she brought her right hand up and swung it. In a flash her fist connected to Finn's face. He goes flying and lands a couple feet away from the wolf

"When are you going to learn Finn. She isn't your's anymore." Quinn stands over Finn to express her rage to him. "I told you this would happen but you came back anyway." She kicks her leg hitting Finn right in the balls. "You punch me, I broke your hand so you came and beat me with a metal bat." Quinn screamed at the top of her lungs at Finn. She could feel Rachel lingering behind her. "Nothing happened to me either of the times. You show up at my house and assault me. Not a very good choice." Quinn bends down and digs her nails into Finn's shirt lifting him off the ground a little bit. He was horrified of the girl, he thought the bat would hurt her but obviously not. Finn didn't even know what he was thinking when he came here. He made mistake after mistake. "I can but I'm not today but if you ever come near me or Rachel EVER again I will end your life. You're such an idiot. Now get out of here before I call the police." Quinn releases, the boy scrambles to his feet and runs back to his truck driving away as quickly as possible. The wolf turns around and sees Rachel crying inside of the house. 

"You are going to kill him?" Rachel wipes away the tears spilling down her face. Quinn can't help but laugh, not at Rachel but at her comment. 

"I protect you and this is what I get. I told you to stay upstairs." The wolf pushes past the crying girl as she enters the house. 

"Protect me? He was beating you with a bat I thought you were going to die." Rachel stands there yelling at Quinn. 

"Yeah this whole thing is about you." Quinn points right in Rachel's face. "He wants you he never stopped wanting you. I get it he is heart broken but he doesn't have to physically attack me twice." She shakes her head as Rachel stands there with her coined pouty face. "He beat me with a bat, if I was anybody else I would be dead. Imagine if sweet Brittany had opened the door what then?" Quinn steps closer to Rachel only leaving a few inches between them. "To protect my family I do what I must. If that's killing Finn Hudson, so be it. You are my only family and I won't ever let anything happen to you. Do you  understand me Shortcake?" Rachel looks up at Quinn through her tears and nods a couple of times.  

Bark at the Moon- FaberryWaar verhalen tot leven komen. Ontdek het nu