Chapter 3

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Rachel went home after glee club that night and couldn't think straight. Her whole life just got ruined by what Finn did to Quinn earlier that day. She loved him last school year but she slowly realized maybe she wasn't truly in love with him anymore. It didn't matter if she loved him or not she was in a lot of pain over what he did. All Rachel could think about was what if he did this to others girls and they actually agreed to do it.  

At that point Rachel was glad she never engaged in that stuff with him. She saw it once out of curiosity otherwise she didn't want to do that with him. Maybe with another guy sometime in the future but it was never going to be Finn. 

Rachel let the tears fly free once she got up to her room and greeted her dads hello. In the back of the brunette's mind she always wanted to end things, this was a horrible way to do it but at least it was over. She was more focused on the Quinn part of the situation than the Finn part. Rachel thought why would Finn pick Quinn she was the new girl nobody knew anything. Rachel did know one solid thing about the girl, her skin was on fire. It felt like you were stepping into a hot shower. Or the pavement on a mid July day. All Rachel knew was that the girls skin was hot. 

Rachel smiled as she thought about the mysterious girl. She has no idea where Quinn came from or what she is about but she will found out. Rachel needs to know about the girl. The blonde that watches her with a careful and needy eye. The girl that scares her but she also wants to confide in her, to be comforted by her. Rachel feels a pull to Quinn she has never felt to anyone else and it truly scares her.   

Somehow Rachel feels like she needs Quinn. Even though she knows nothing about her.  

Quinn woke up around midnight after falling asleep around 4:30 or so. The wolf groans and turns out of bed. She goes to the bathroom quickly locking the door behind her so no one sees her standing up to pee. When she walks back out the whole house is dark and quiet. She smiles at the peacefulness and makes her way downstairs to get something to eat. 

Quinn opens the fridge quietly as to not wake up the house. Her eyes are immediately drawn to a plate wrapped in saran wrap that has a note with her name on it. 'For when you wake up Quinn'. She smiles and takes the plate out setting it down on the counter. Quinn couldn't even tell herself what she just ate because she sucked it all down in about a minute flat. 

The wolf was satisfied enough that she went upstairs and back to her room. As soon as she closed her bedroom door she took her jeans and bra off throwing them in a laundry bin the Pierce's got for her after she started throwing her clothes all over the room. Mrs. Pierce hated gathering all the clothes so the basket was the best option. 

Quinn laid down on the bed getting out her iPhone 4 in the process. No notifications or texts from anyone, she was truly alone. She huffed and put her phone on the table by the bed making sure to plug it in.  

The alpha had no blankets over her body as she lies in the dark thinking about her mate like she always does. It takes her a while but she falls asleep in the cold room even though its not cold to her. 

The next morning when Quinn was walking to the car she held her trench coat in her arms so it wouldn't get soaked by the rain that is pouring down on her. Brittany takes a double take at the girl before getting into her car. Quinn gets in the car a few moments after the cheerleader. She wipes off as much of the water as she can because she doesn't know if she smells like dog when she gets wet. Brittany is eyeing her the whole time. Quinn gives her a glance and she is a little freaked out by the way the other blonde is looking at her. 

"What's wrong?" Quinn asks while Brittany shakes her head and starts the car. 

"Your skin was steaming while you were in the rain." Brittany utters and starts driving off. Quinn slams her head on the seat of the car and rests it there as she closes her eyes. 

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