Chapter 10

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All day as Quinn walked down the halls people parted like the Red Sea for her. No one made eye contact and avoided her at all costs. The wolf was sure it was because of what happened to Finn but Coach Sylvester said the cheerleading uniform was powerful like that. Even at lunch all the glee kids couldn't look at her in eyes and it was like they were all huddled on the other side of the table because they scooted their chairs away from her and Rachel. The first person besides Rachel to talk to the blonde was Brittany. 

"Coach Sylvester wants to see you before glee club Quinn." Brittany smiles and seems to have no idea everyone is treating Quinn in this weird manner. 

"Ugh fine." Quinn rolls her eyes. "But I can't return this uniform today," The wolf looks down at the red and white pattern. "because I don't have a change of clothes." Rachel immediately leans into whisper, her warm breath blowing on Quinn's ear. 

"To get you naked in that trench coat." A quiet moan falls from Rachel then she backs away. 

"That's okay." Brittany dismisses Quinn's comment about changing clothes. "All she said was that she wanted to talk." 

"Alright thanks Britt." Quinn flashes the cheerleader a bright smile then caresses Rachel's knee with her thumb. 

On the walk to gym Rachel clung to Quinn's left arm as they walked down the halls. The wolf made sure her girl was tucked behind her and pressed close to her body because no one was ever going to mess with Rachel ever again. 

As soon as the final bell of the day rang Quinn quickly made her way to Coach Sylvester's office. 

"Quite a day you had there blondie." Sue adjusts in her seat and takes off her thin framed glasses. 

"I did." Quinn sarcastically says and sits in one of the chairs in front of the coach's desk. She sits on the corner and leans in the back of the chair. 

"Did you like the uniform?" The coach gets right to the point. 

"No not at all. It itches and its hard to... never mind." It was hard for Quinn to hide her bulge in the tiny skirt so when she got a boner she was in a lot of trouble. It only happened a couple times because she tried really hard to keep it at bay. 

"To go to the bathroom?" 

"Sure but I don't to be a cheerleader. Thanks I guess for letting me wear this thing." Quinn uses her hands to scan over her body. "I'll put in the washing machine tonight." 

"Please don't it ruins the material." The wolf nodded her head at Coach Sylvester. "I'll bring it to the cleaners myself. You can leave now." She puts her glasses on and dives back into whatever she was doing before Quinn entered. The blonde nods her head and walks out of the room. "Wait." Quinn stops in the metal door frame at the coach's sudden change of heart. She places a hand on the cold metal waiting for Sue to talk. "Just so you know I wont stop til I have you as my top cheerleader." Quinn chuckles. 

"Tell that to Finn Hudson." The wolf leaves before the coach can rebuttal. She makes her way to the choir room. Quinn smiles when she sees Rachel sitting in the front row, they make eye contact and the blonde quickly makes her way over to the small girl. She gives Rachel a quick peck on the cheek before sitting next to her. 

"How did it go?" Rachel quietly asks.  

"I'm not going to be a cheerleader if that's what you are asking. We should be quiet Schuester is talking." Quinn hushes Rachel with a finger pressed to her lips. 

"First up we have Santana and Mercedes after them we have Kurt and Sam. Finn was also going to sing but he doesn't have a partner and he isn't here." Mr. Schue gives a tight smile. "Good luck Santana and Mercedes." The curly haired teacher holds his hand out for the girls then goes and sits in the front row all the way on the far right side.

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