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"I just need you two to sign here." The child welfare representative instructed Hana and Doyoung as they sat beside one another, Sooji sitting in Doyoung's lap. They both did as told.

"Great, that's it. Congratulations on your marriage and becoming parents. I wish your new family the best." The representative said with a smile as she gathered up the papers.

Hana smiled as she ran a finger over the new ring on her hand as Doyoung stared lovingly at the girl in his arms.

"Sooji, you can officially call us eomma and appa now." Doyoung told the girl.

"Eomma?" Sooji said looking at Hana. A mischievous grin spread on her face as she looked at Doyoung. "Appa bunny!"

"You're a little jokester, aren't you." Doyoung said as he tickled his new daughter. Sooji giggled as she threw her head back.

"Doyoung, we should head out. We need to drop Sooji off at daycare." Hana said, standing up. Doyoung followed, carrying Sooji in his arms.

"Alright, love." Doyoung said with a smile as he placed a small kiss on Hana's head.

"Appa?" Hana exclaimed as she opened the door of the meeting room. "And eomma?"

Doyoung's eyes immediately widened as he saw Hana's parents. "Hello Chairman Kang."

The Chairman waved his hands. "Forget the formalities, you're family now. And forget about daycare too, your mother and I will take care of our new granddaughter today."

"Alright." Hana said as Doyoung put Sooji down. Doyoung bent down so he was eye level with the girl.

"That's Dr- I mean eomma's parents." Doyoung said, motioning to Hana's parents. Sooji looked up at them with wide eyes.

"Harabolji and halmoni?" Sooji said as she slowly walked towards them. The Chairman scooped her up in his arms.

"My granddaughter is a smart one, aren't you?" Chairman Kang said, tickling Sooji's stomach. Sooji immediately giggled while Hana's mother soothed the girl's head.

"Don't forget about dinner tonight. At my place." Hana reminded them as Doyoung wrapped an arm around her.

"We won't, don't worry." Hana's mother said as Chairman Kang played with the happy child.

"I think Dr. Kim wants to talk to you, so we'll get going now." Chairman Kang said, giving the couple a wave before heading out with Sooji and his wife. Jungwoo poked his head in.

"Dr. Kang, Dr. Kim, Renjun's being discharged."


Hana held onto her new husband's as they watched Jeno help Renjun make sure all his things were packed.

"How does it feel to be out of those chains?" Sicheng as the boy with a chuckle.

"Good. My hands haven't felt this free since," Renjun inhaled sharply. "Since Jaemin was alive."

"Well, we're both glad Dr. Lee or whatever his name is is behind bars now." Jeno said as he caught sight of Hana and Doyoung. "Dr. Kang, Dr. Kim!"

"Hey boys, I'm so happy for both of you." Hana said as Renjun glanced down at her hand.

"You're married now?" Renjun asked her.

"Yes, and this is my husband." Hana said, motioning to Doyoung, who gave Renjun a small smile. Renjun nodded his head, returning the favour.

"They have a daughter too." Jeno said, poking his best friend. Renjun's eyes widened.

"Adopted daughter, Jeno, you can't leave details like that out." Doyoung scolded as Jeno laughed.

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