Passing Time

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I am confused.
I hurt and grieve;
Yet laugh and sing.
One minute passes,
Then another.
I'm fine.
And then I'm not.

It will get better.
It's a natural thing.
It makes me no better;
To hear these things.
The fact remains
Steadfast and true,
That I remain here without you.

Everything has changed
In so many ways.
I am different now,
Yet am still the same.
Sometimes the pain
Is all that reminds me
That my heart still beats.
While yours does not.

Life goes on as normal.
It doesn't stand still or stop.
Each minute passes
With the ticking of the clock.
I want to stop those clocks.
Make their hands stand still.
I'm not ready for time to continue.

Time makes no allowances.
It continues; doesn't pause.
How is it possible
For things to continue
When my world is all but gone?

My friends remain.
Most of my family too.
Yet right now I feel
That I'm as distanced as you.
So tell me, if you know...
Why doesn't the world stop
When someone goes?

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