The Brink of Life

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I stand and stare at the brink of life.
Below me, waves of years roll.
Each one holds memories, unlike the one before.
Above me awaits the abyss of death.
Below me, an eternity of despair.
It is up to me to choose where I should go.

I stare again at the churning waves
And feel the kiss of love billow around me.
Somewhere, within those waves,
Churns the memory of someone long forgotten.

How can I live without them?
They are my heart, my life, my soul!
To lose them is to lose myself!
I cannot bear to part with my heart's foe.

The brink of life is crumbling fast.
A salty gale brushes past my ear.
You must come now before I am past,
It sings so sweetly, diminishing my fear.

The brink has reached my feet.
I open my arms wide
And feel the spray of sea foam graze my cheeks.
The wind calls to me, whispering my lover's name.
Return home, my child. The sea awaits you,
And so does the one your heart seeks.

I take one last look at the sky,
The last one I'll have for a while.
I steady myself for that ocean breeze,
And relinquish myself to the sea.

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