Bound Yet Unbreakable

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You were chained.
Your wings were bound in iron.
Trapped in a stone dungeon,
And unable to break free.

They tried to break you.
They tried to hurt you.
They tortured you
And burned you.

They thought they could bring you down.
But they never realized that while
It was their chains that held you down,
It was their determination that kept you bound.

You waited.
You bided your time.
When they turned their heads,
You bit and gnawed and tore,
Breaking their chains like none had before.

You spread your wings
And like a Phoenix,
You erupted into flames.
You turned your flaming eyes their way.

They shielded their faces,
Afraid to behold your might.
Even though it was they
Who had been dying for a fight.

Magic pulsed through your veins.
Your body was white hot to the touch.
And when you opened your mouth to speak,
All you said was, "ENOUGH."

The walls around you shook
And trembled beneath your power.
The iron melted and vanished
As the people around you cowered.

"At last I have my freedom.
You will not take it from me.
For every time you strike me down,
I will rise even stronger than before!"

None tried to stop you.
None moved an inch.
You spread your wings and soared away,
And behind you they all flinched.

Your wings stayed strong
While you were held a captive.
For though you often wished to break,
They never faltered, never quaked.

When the world around you crumbles
And threatens to fall down,
Remember your mighty wings are there
To keep you strong and proud.

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