Chapter 24

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Still Miriam's P.O.V

Isabella gave me a peanut butter and jelly sandwich to eat, but that wasn't enough so she ended up getting me ice cream too, which was way too sweet so I didn't finish all of it.


I jumped a bit as the door swung open, I turned around, smiling as I saw Charlie walk through the door. He was always nice to us.

"Oh...hey dad", Isabella said moving to get him something to eat. He grunted in response I guess he didn't have a good day today.

"Hello Charlie", I spoke. He twisted around to stare at me, I stared back at him as he continued to look at me weirdly.

"She's been acting like this for a while", Bella commented before leaving the room, probably to go sleep.

"Um...hi uh... what's your... name...", He asked me.

Oh so he does know I'm not Zadie, he's not completely clueless like Isabella, I thought.

"My name is Miriam, it's nice to meet you", I responded with a smile. I held out my hand for a handshake.

"Um...hi Miriam I'm Charlie", He said, shaking my hand.

"How'd you know it wasn't Zadie, Bella was clueless", I asked.

"Well Bella's not the most attentive person, but I noticed that you weren't acting the same way Zadie was and she usually calls me dad, plus I've been doing some research", he admitted.

Research you say, but how'd he know what to research. Probably from that doctor's visit.

"Oh well that's nice", I said.

"How long have you been out for", He questioned.

"About 30 minutes", I answered him looking around the house.

"So...are there like...more of you?", I laughed a little, "Yes there are about 13 more not including me or Zadie".

He looked shocked for a minute, "But there could be more, I'm not sure".

"13 but she's so tiny", He murmured.

"Some of us have been with her for a very long time and some are newcomers", I told him.

"A-Are you new",

"No, I've been with her for a very long time". It was silent for quite some time before he asked another question.

"So uh... I read that most of you have roles, do you have one or no".

"Yes, my role is to support Zadie and keep peace between the alters, which are the different personalities that we have", I explained.

"So, what happened today that you needed to help out?", He asked me. I felt like this was an interrogation but I guess that's what happens when your dad is a police officer.

"She was getting stressed out by all the different voices and it was hurting her, so I stepped in", I said to him.

"Oh... uh would it be rude if I asked for her back".

"No, not at all", I stated.

I slowly stepped back from the front allowing zadie to step back into the front keeping an eye that none of the others try to sneak forward

Watching as zadie stepped into the front.

Zadie's P.O.V

I blinked slowly before realizing that dad was all up in my face.

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