The X-Factor Audition

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"Singing is my life. It has always been my life. It will always be my life." ~Celia Cruz


⭐Hope's P.O.V.⭐

Today's the day. The day that I audition for the X-Factor. I've been practicing since I was 9 years old for today. "Hope, come on get in the car, we have to go." My mom shouts up the stairs. I quickly grab my phone and run downstairs. Today I decided to wear shorts, a multi colored tank top with orange, yellow, white and gray. I had on white flats and I curled my hair.

I closed the car door and smiled. "Ready?" She asks and I nod smiling.

↪ At The X-Factor Studio ↩

Okay, so far nothing bad happened, but I've seen a lot of people walk out of the stage area crying, cussing, and some others smiling. The ones who were smiling were a few.

I was third in line to auditioning and this is when the nerves started hitting me. "Hope, are you okay?" My mom asked me. I turned to her, "Just a little bit nervous." I tell her. She nods, "I'll be right back." I nod. The person who was on stage ran out crying. "Wow, this just makes me more nervous."

I turned around to find the one who said that. I come face to face with a kid about my age, a little bit taller, curly brown hair and green eyes. "Hi, I'm Harry." He says to me, smiling. I couldn't help, but smile back. "I'm Hope." I tell him.

"So, you're nervous?" He asks and I look around. "Yeah, with how many people they're sending out it's not making it any better." He nods. "So, you don't really have a british accent. Where are you from?" He asked me.

"I'm from the United States. I moved here a few months ago." I tell him. "If you don't mind me asking, Where in the United States?" He asked me curiously. "Colorado." I tell him. He smiles and nods. "So what are you going to be singing today?" Harry asked me. "It's a surprise." I tell him. "So are you nervous?" I ask him. "Yeah. One of my friends begged me to audition." I nod.

My mom comes back with 2 Pepsi's and a Pepsi Max. I look at her confused. "Hi, here want a Pepsi?" My mom asks Harry. He smiles at her and she smiles back. "Yeah sure that'd be okay." She handed both of us a Pepsi. "I'm Dianna, Hope's mom." I mentaly facepalm. "Mom?" I ask her. She turns to me. She gave me a look that read 'he's cute, you should get to know him'.

"Can you run out to the car? I think I left my wallet in there." My mom looks at me and nods. "I'll try being back in time." She leaves. "Why do you need your wallet?" Harry asked me. "I don't have my wallet with me or in the car. I just saved you from my mother talking non stop." I tell him. He smiles, "So, what are you going to do if you don't get in?" Harry asked me.

This question surprises me, I don't have a answer to it. "I honestly don't know. I'll probably just go to school and act like nothing happened. Or my mom will drag me all the way home." I tell him. He nods in understanding. "So what are you going to do if you don't get in?" I ask him. "Probably the same as you, go to school and act like nothing happened."

A man walks over to me, "The contestant before you is about done. Follow me." I nod and Harry stops the guy. "Can I come too? So you don't have to walk all the way back here?" The guy nods and Harry walks with us. We come to a stop at the backstage area and there's a little TV in there showing what's happening on stage.

I took a few more sips of my Pepsi. "Get ready to go out." A stage crew member tells me. I smile and nod and turn to Harry. "Can you hold this for me, while I'm up there?" I ask him. He nods. "Next." I hear a judge say. "Good luck." Harry tells me I smile and walk on stage.

"Hello." I say to the judges. I recognize 1 of them. Simon Cowell. Simon Cowell was a judge on American Idol. I used to watch that show all the time. "Hi. What's your name? Age? Where your from?" The girl in the middle asked me. "I'm Hope Miller. I'm 16 and I'm from Colorado and I moved here a few months ago." I say into the microphone.

"Wow, that's a long way. How long was the trip?" Simon asks me. "20 hours. 12 hours on a plane and another 8 hours on a train." I tell them. "So what are you going to be singing for us today?" The last judge asked. "Oath by Cher Lloyd." I tell them. "Okay, good luck." I smile and they start the music.

"Yo, my best friend, best friend, til the very end, Cause best friends best friends don't have to pretend, you need a hand and i'm right there beside you, you in the dark, I'll be the bright light to guide you, Member the times, times, times sneaking out the house, all the times, times, times, you had the doubts, and don't forget all the trouble we got into, we got something you can't undo, do,

Laughing so damn hard, Crashed your dad's new car, all the scars we share, I promise I swear, Where ever you go just always remember, that you got a home for now and forever, and if you get low, just call me when ever, this is my oath to you, Where ever you go just always remember, you never alone, we're birds of a feather, and we'll never change no matter the weather, this is my oath to you."

The music stopped and I stopped singing. Everyone including the judges were standing up clapping. I got a frickin standing ovation!!! Yes! "Hope, your voice is amazing." The last judge said. I smiled, "Thank you." I say to him. "Hope, I love your voice. It was so strong. That's a good thing to have." The crowd cheers and I smile at the judge. "Thank you." I tell her. The whole room goes silent to what Simon has to say. "I absolutely loved it. I agree your voice is amazing, strong, good, you really know how to control your voice." The crowd cheered. "Thank you." I say to him and he smiles.

"Now to vote." The whole room goes quiet. You could probably hear a pin drop. The last judge says, "Yes." My heart speeds up a little. "Yes." The middle judge says I smile at her. "You've got 3 eyes," Simon says and everyone cheer's. "Thank you, so much." I say to them and smile on stop and walk off the stage to where Harry was. "Wow that was amazing." Harry tells me smiling. "You were amazing Hope. I'm so glad I'm your mom." My mom says and hugs me. "Next." The voice says and I turn to Harry.

"Here's your Pepsi. Can you hold mine?" I nod and he walks on stage smiling. He performed and was amazing, but a judge -not Simon- had to be a sore loser and say no to Harry but, he got 2 yes's. He's going to Bootcamp. Harry walks off stage and over to me. "That was amazing." I tell him and hand him his pop. He smiles. He walked outside with me and my mom. My mom walked away having to get instructions for Bootcamp. She was getting 2. 1 for Harry and 1 for me.

"Were off to Bootcamp." Harry says smiling. "No more school. Yes!" I say and Harry looks at me weirdly. "Come on, you know you were thinking it too." I tell him and he smiles. "Here can I have a piece of paper?" He asked me. My mom walks over and hands me a paper thing. I tear a little bit off and give it to Harry. He writes something down and hands it to me. "Here, it's my number." I nod and tear another tiny slip off. "Here's mine. See you at Bootcamp?" He nods and smiles. "Yeah, see you there. Bye Hope." I smile. "Bye Harry."

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