The Secrets About Some Things Will Always Be A Secret

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One day your life will flash before your eyes. Make sure it's worth watching." ~Gerard Way


~Kayley's P.O.V.~

"So you didn't get struck by lightning?" Cisco asked me. I sigh, "No I didn't get struck by lightning." I tell him. Dr.Wells, Caitlyn, and Cisco stare at me wide eyed. "Lock her up. We need to run test on her." Doctor Wells tells Cisco. "We can't just lock Kayley up. We can trust her that she's our friend. She works here Doctor Wells." Cisco argued back and Caitlyn agreed with me.

"What's going on here?" We all turn around and see Barry standing in the doorway looking confused. "Barry, Doctor Wells wants to lock Kayley up." Cisco says quickly. Barry looks at me curiously. "Why?"

"Because, I wasn't hit with lightning, so he wants to lock me up and do test on me like I'm a lab rat." I tell him, then look away. "Doctor Wells, we can't lock her up. Don't you trust her?" Barry asks, walking over to me. His shoulder touches my arm a little and I flinch away. "Listen i don't care. She doesn't work here anymore, we're locking her up for testing, and I definitely do not trust her."

Wait? I don't work here anymore? Is this his way of telling me I'm fired? "Now Cisco, I'm not going to tell you again. Lock. Kayley. Up. Now." Wells growls and we all flinch away. "Okay." Cisco says and Wells gives Cisco a pair of handcuffs.

"Are the Handcuffs really necessary?" I ask. "Yeah, your dangerous." Wells says and Cisco walks over. "So, just because I can control 13 different elements your locking me up and putting handcuffs on my hands." I say and he nods. Cisco walks behind me and pulls my arms behind my back and locks the handcuffs onto my wrist.

Cisco takes me out of the room while holding my arms guiding me where to go. "Wait! I'm coming too." Barry says and runs over with his speed. "I can't believe Wells is doing this."

"We can stop him from doing this." Barry says and I'm pretty sure Cisco turned his head to look at Barry. I just stared right ahead and we kept walking. "I could speed her somewhere safe." Barry says.

"Dude, if you do this you shouldn't be coming back, for a while." Cisco tells him. "Cisco, I can take you with me so while I'm at work you can watch her." Barry tells him. "Okay. Let's do this here." We stop walking and Barry grabs my wrist. "We'll keep these on for a while though." I turn towards Barry and glare at him.

"Why are you not talking?" Cisco asks and I shrug. "I wouldn't talk either, if I felt what she's feeling. She's probably feeling betrayed."Barry says to Cisco and I nod. "Okay let's go Kayley hold on." He picks me up and speeds out of there. I hide my face into his chest, and I hear him chuckle.

We come to a stop at a house. I recognize it as Joe's house. Barry carries me bridal style up to the house and opens the door. He carries me upstairs and puts me on a bed in a solar system decorated room. "Cisco said he'll take a train here. So if you weren't struck by lightning then what are you?" Barry asks, sitting next to me.

I turn to the side and he grabs my wrist. "I'm an elemental or also known as a bender." I tell him. He fiddles with the handcuffs for a second before they fall off. I turn around and put my hand in front of me. He grabs my wrist and rubs them softly over the purple marks around them.

"How are you an elemental?" I think for a moment, "Genetics." I tell him and he looks at me. "Your parents are elemental?" He asked me, surprised. I shake my head to the side. "No, I was adopted. Your going to be in big trouble with Wells. Why did you do that?" I ask him, looking him in the eyes.

"Because of this." He leans forward and his lips land on mine. After a few minutes it turns into a full make out session. I was pinned to the bed with Barry on top of me. "I'm here!" We hear Cisco scream.

We stop and look at each other smiling. He gets off me and we fix ourselves and Cisco walks in a few minutes later. "Want to watch a movie?"

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