Legend of Korra

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"Kira, hurry up! We're going to be late to the avatar welcoming party at city hall!" My best friend Aria storms into my room.

"Why aren't you ready?" She asks, crossing her arms, seeing me still in my pajamas.

I sigh and look at her, "You know why." I answer by laying back down.

"Oh come on! Just because your parents hate bending doesn't mean you can't go."

"Aria, that's exactly what it means. If I go and they find out then they'll seriously kill me." I tell her to roll over.

"Well they haven't found out about your bending yet. Come on Kira, aren't you curious about what you could do at your full potential. Maybe you could even make friends with the Avatar herself." Aria says looking through my closet.

"How do you know about my bending?" I ask her to sit up really fast.

"I saw you water bending a few days ago." She says pulling out an outfit from the closet, and handing it to me.

"Please Kira, I'll never ask you to go to anything like this again."

I get up and head to the bathroom. "Yes!" I shake my head and laugh lightly looking into the mirror after I am fully ready.

What am I thinking? It's bad enough that I can bend, if my parents ever found out that I'm going to the welcoming party and my abilities I don't think I'd survive long. I wonder how it must feel to be the avatar.

Powerful. Happy. The weight of the world is always on your shoulders. I hear Avatar Aang was about 13 when he saved the world. I wonder who the new avatar is.

I take one last look at myself, and grab my phone out of my room before heading downstairs.

"Okay. Let's go." Aria says and we head out.

At the welcoming party

"Wow." I whisper looking around. City hall was decorated amazingly. They had relics and past avatar pictures. Most of the items were Aang's seeing as how he was the past avatar.

"I wonder how many avatar's there have been." Aria says looking around. "I have a feeling there were way more then there are mentioned here." I respond. A chiming sound makes us look to the top of the stairs.

"Welcome Republic City." The mayor says and everyone cheers.

"I'm proud to say the new avatar is finally here. Everyone I present, Avatar Korra of the Southern Water Tribe." Out walks a girl about mine and Aria's age next to the Mayor. She smiles and says, "Hello Republic City!" The town claps and she smiles again, "I'm proud to be your avatar. Just being here a few days has brought a lot of ideas to me. Republic City is in trouble, and I'm going to make it better."

After her little speech we all clap again and a few go up to talk to her. "She seems a little too excited to be the avatar." Aria whispers and I nod a bit.

"I think she hasn't gotten to experience being the avatar yet. Didn't you say that they kept her in a place while she learned to bend all the elements." I say noticing her walking over to us.

"What do we say?" Aria whispers and I hit her slightly.

"Hi." Korra says smiling.

I smile back, "Hi. I'm Kira and this is Aria."

"Nice to meet you. I was wondering if you guys could help me find the arena after the party? I haven't been there before, and I really want to see at least one match before Tenzin locks me away to learn airbending." Aria and I look at each other.

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