Jealousy Can Lead Us To Do Horrible Things

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Keep running. Don't look back. It's okay to be scared, but now I need to stay focused and get as far away as possible. Turning back would only bring my death. Those people who say everything will get better after a lot of bad, are full of bullsh*t. My life the past year has been a living h*ll.

"I see you there. No one is going to save you." My heartbeat picks up a faster rhythm allowing me to run even quicker. What's going on? Here I'll tell you.

You know those girls in school who are completely average, maybe a little bit of an annoying nerd around her friends but really quiet around everyone else? That's the definition of me. Everything was normal until Junior year of high school when my secret came out. I'm a goddess created to fulfill a long forgotten prophecy. They didn't mention all of the crap that I would have to face in order to get the job done.

I've been reincarnated multiple times, but I haven't been able to fulfill the prophecy in any of them. This time, I'm running from it physically and mentally. Plus it's my last life so I wanted to live my life for once. In all of my previous lives I've been killed off by one simple two faced figure; The one who I won't have as a lover. His jealousy has brought him over centuries to do the most horrible things one can imagine.

Then there is the one who was also created to help and support me to fulfill the prophecy. He's a whole other story that we will get to later. Now I need to finish running from the clawing two faced jerk. "You can have any other in the world. Why haven't you given up?" The Demanding question rolls off my tongue .

I'm grabbed tightly and my back is pushed roughly against a tree. My heartbeat increases more, making a loud thumping sound. The pulsation continues as he inches his face closer to mine. Turning my face away I can hear him smirking with pride. "Look. They should have bound you with me, not him. You and I both know that I could've helped you finish the prophecy by now. If only you would break the bond with him and allow one to form with me."

"The only reason it hasn't been fulfilled is because you kill me, or one of your little slaves does. Plus, you've always been heartless; He is the one they choose not you. Now grow up and find someone else. This whole thing was centuries ago." I spat and his grip tightened.

"Centuries ago or today. I will get what I want." Something gleams in his eyes, but I have never seen it before to know what it is. Either way it frightened me.

"Back away from her. She is mine not yours."The selfless jerk in front of me rolls his eyes and turns around smirking.

"Why are you doing something now? You and I both know that you should've years ago." He spats. The one destined for me walks over to him and punches him hard, not caring about how many trees he hits in the process of falling.

His hazel eyes look at me concerned, "I wasn't going to let him hurt you again, or worse kill you. This is our last chance at anything worthwhile. I want it to be like our first life, where we didn't have to worry about anything, and were always there for each other in the end." He says softly approaching me.

His gaze makes my heartbeat become steady once more. He puts his hands on my cheek and slowly our lips meet for the first time in centuries. The softness brings comfort, and memories from before.

Soft crumbling of leaves leads us to break apart and turn around to the jerk behind us, holding the cheek that was previously punched and a death glare aimed towards the chosen one holding me. "One day, you won't be here, and I'll make her mine. I don't care what was written long ago, I will find a way just like you do every time to make her love you again." Just like that he vanishes.

We look at each other and smile softly. "Are you ready to fulfill this prophecy?"

I smile and pull him in for a kiss once more. "Of course, let's go kick some *ss." He chuckles and holds my hand guiding me towards our fate following the eastern sun.

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