Something's Are Hard to Explain

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What do you do when you have no idea if it's really a pull towards him? What pull? A love pull.

And what do you do when things get complicated? How complicated? Well, both of you know that there's a pull towards each other, but you ignore it. You haven't told anyone, but he's told all his friends.

"His Friends" watch you every time they see you. Your not sure what it's about. Is it because of the pull? Do they hate you? Or are they making sure you do nothing wrong? Maybe, their trying to find a way for the pull to stop.

What if there isn't a way to stop it? What if your meant to be together? But something inside you doesn't want it. You find yourself with a problem. Both of you haven't even talked in months.

Now it's getting to the point where your heart aches some days. Sometimes you just want to go tell him everything, but you hold back. On the last day of school, you wanted to run after him as he was running away. You wanted to jump into his arms and never stop hugging him. Yet again, you held back and almost broke down crying.

Over summer you try to forget the stupid pull and everything, but you know that when school starts's not going to ever end.

Ever had weird dreams, or vision type stuff? Your heart's telling you to do something, but you don't know what to do.

Have you ever thought that's all just in your head? The pulls not really there, and you guys aren't really a thing at all? Ask yourself if it's worth it or not. Remember, ALWAYS TRUST YOUR HEART. 💘

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