Stop Running & Face Your Problems

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Shivering I continue down the path I'm on, hoping for my mind to stop going crazy. I know I shouldn't have ignored everyone's warnings. It sucks to know that the whole world is going to hate me after they learn about my previous activities.

If only I followed the rules and did as I was told. Now I'm all alone, walking down a newly snowed road somewhere in the mountains. A prophecy was foretold when I was a child, and I always doubted that it would start to unfold. The Earth is in chaos and I could have easily avoided it by doing one little thing. I guess I wanted to be normal but denied that was impossible.

I take another deep breath calming my racing heart. Even though I've ruined everything, there may be one thing I can do to set things right, but it's not the best option...

I approach a mansion and ring the doorbell thinking about all the different ways this conversation could go. The door swings open and I hear the entire house go silent, "Crystal...what are you doing here?" and it's going to go that way...great.

"I need your help, Dylan. I screwed up and now the entire planet's in danger." I rush out, Dylan thinks for a bit, and then his eyes look at me with disappointment.

"You know what you have to do, so why are you here?" He asks and I look down not responding which leads him to slam the door in my face, but before he does he says, "I believed that you could do it for so many years, and now look where we are. Look at what you've done. You should have listened instead of thinking that it all was a game."

I cling to myself tighter. It was only getting colder, and I knew where I had to go. Back home. Even though it kills me too, it's time to settle things that I ran away from.

Months Later...

Walking into school was a nightmare, everyone looked over and their jaws dropped. Yes, it's me. The one who disappeared after a lot of crazy stuff started to happen. All I've got to do is act like nothing happened, and find my friends. Walking down a south hallway to go to my friend's usual hideout in the mornings I catch eyes with him.

Who's him? He's Xavier, who also plays another major part in this prophecy that I've mentioned a little, and we've had this weird thing that's hard to describe between us since we met in middle school. Remember the running away from problems thing? I guess he was part of it, and because of it, we never settled anything. Last thing I know my friend told him I liked him and all of this other crap started to happen. The villain in our prophecy showed up and I had to leave before he could talk to me, that and he was still building up the confidence to talk to me.

He stops and his friends start to ask him what's going on, and I look away ignoring him and open the door to my friends' hideout. "Crystal, your back!!!!" My friends scream and run across the music hallway to surround me in a gigantic hug. "We missed you so much. I thought you still couldn't come back since he's still here, and all." Terra says after we all pull apart.

I go to say something but get distracted by Xavier's friend Tyler walking in and his eyes going big once he sees me. I guess I've got to get used to that cause it's going to be happening a lot today. Tyler snaps out of it and walks past us, which leads me to answer to Terra.

"Yeah, but there were a few problems. Anyway, I can't keep running from it." I tell them and fake smile, but they were able to tell how much I don't want to do this.

"What about your supposed brother Dylan? What happened?" Korrine asks confused. I look down and then meet eyes with Tyler again, who I could tell was trying not to look like he was eavesdropping on our conversation.

"I don't really want to talk about that right now," I say and we all start to head out of the music hall to the commons. We pass by Xavier and the others, and I avoid his gaze again. I know everyone's confused as to why I'm back. For all I know he probably thinks I left because I grew to hate him or something.

"Looks like Xavier still cares. Do you think he's actually going to say something now that your back?" Terra says with a smirk, and I look forward in order to avoid my friend's gazes.

"I honestly don't think it's a good idea anymore. I've got to focus on this prophecy before the world hates me because I couldn't do one job. Maybe after all of this, I'll talk to him, just please don't pressure him and me into anything right now. We both have a lot to think about." I tell them and they nod in understatement.

"You know he's low key following us now right?" Korrine says and I roll my eyes and stop before I walk into my class.

"Of course he is. Just help me not hurt his feelings. I can't deal with us right now." I tell them and we all sit down.

Hopefully, I can fix everything that I screwed up, and prevent hurting anybody in the process. Tyler walks into the class and stares at me most of the class. I wonder what's going on with him, I know there was something weird with him before I left...this is all going to be a never-ending nightmare. 

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