A Place With No Memories (Maze Runner)

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"Guys! The box is coming up for the monthly supplies, and the new Greenie!"

Everyone in the Glade stops what they're doing and approaches the box curiously. The Glade? Well, that's what they call it. Their home. Their? Well the Gladers, of course.

They've been put into this 'Maze' one by one monthly starting about 5 months ago. So far there is Alby, Frypan, Newt, Minho, and Gally. Well, now this is the sixth month, and I'm the sixth to enter.

The box fully comes up,and Newt cautiously opens the doors and then lets out a gasp.

"What is it Newt?"Alby asked, fearing that the box was empty.

"It's a girl." Newt replies, catching everyone's attention.

"Why isn't she awake?" Gally asks, looking at the poor girl, fast asleep.

"I don't know. I'll take her to the hut, and wait for her to wake up." Newt says and the others help get her out of the box.

"Why would someone put us here? I don't get it." Newt mumbles to himself, but unknown to him the sleeping figure in his arms wasn't sleeping anymore.

~Freya's P.O.V.~

I slowly open my eyes looking up at a boy who happened to be carrying me to who knows where. Panic sets in ; I knock him down, and start running off as fast as I can to who knows where.

Who am I? Where am I? Why can't I remember anything?!

"Wait! Please, stop running!" I look over my shoulder, and see the guy who was holding me before quickly following me.

For some reason I knew that I could trust him, so I stopped and looked around.

A few buildings were built and over all, it looked very nice. I saw a forest, at least that's what I think it's called, and then my eyes looked over to the thing surrounding this place. Walls. All together in a perfect square. Too tall to climb while bringing a wonder to what's on the other side.

"I know you must be freaked out right now, but please try to stay calm." Slowly, I turn towards the boy and look him in the eyes. He was about 15-16 I think. I wonder how old I am.

Fifteen. I hear and slightly jump a little.

"I know how you feel. Don't worry your name will come back to you soon. I'm Newt and the guys standing over there are Minho, Gally, Frypan, and Alby our leader." His calm voice stops talking ; I sit down letting everything sink in.

"Where are we?" I ask, my voice worn. I don't think I've spoken in a while.

Newt sits down in front of me and gives me a soft smile,"We call this place the Glade. Everything beyond these walls, is the Maze. Everyone of us came up here like you, with supplies."

I nod and take a deep breath. Freya.

I look into his eyes and smile big, "I remember my name!" I say getting up nearly jumping from excitement.

The others walk over and I think Gally says, "What's your name, Greenie?"

Greenie? Never mind. "My name's Freya." I say and everyone gives me a smile, then a huge group hug.

"I'll go get something cooking." Frypan says walking away.

"Welcome to the Glade, Freya." Alby says, shaking my hand.

Short Stories 2015-2020 CollectionOnde as histórias ganham vida. Descobre agora