We're Related?!? (Subject E)

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This is a future chapter that will be in The Lost Bionic Sibling books sequel. (Subject E)



*Emma's P.O.V.*

I walked into the lab and saw a bored looking Adam, Bree, and Chase. "Where's Mr. Davenport?" I speak up. They all look at me. "Where were you?" Adam asks, walking over to me with a worried expression. "Mr. Davenport got me angry, so I told him I was gonna go run around the United States for a while until I felt better. I left before he could respond." I tell him. "Wait, why'd you get angry?" Bree asks, walking over. "Umm...just something Leo said. So I went to Mr. Davenport to see if it was true and he agreed, and..." Tears brimmed my eyes, but I wouldn't let them fall. Not now. I'm not weak.

"What did Leo say? And, what did Big D say to make you mad?" Chase asks, walking over to where the other two were. "I...I don't want to talk about it." I tell them and they nod. Chase hesitates at first giving me a suspicious look but then nods.

"Hello,Adam, Bree, Chase, Leo, and Emma." We all turn our attention to where Eddy was supposed to be. Instead there sat Marcus with a smirk on his face. "Marcus, what happened to Eddy?" Bree asks. How, much I want to wipe that smirk off of his face.

"I disabled him a long time ago. I suppose your looking for your father." I froze and so did he others. "Where is he?" I say in an angry tone. Everyone around me looks at me shocked for a second then scoots away from me. Except for Chase. "Look the baby of the group is demanding to know where her daddy is. How cute." My hands ball into fist. "Where is he?!" I yell and Chase immediately puts a hand on my shoulder, trying to calm me down.

"Why, he's here safe with me. If you ever want to see him again, I would come save him." Marcus says and shows us Mr. Davenport. "No guys-" He was cut off by the camera shutting off. "Emma, what was that?" Leo asked me. "Sorry. His smirk was p*sing me off." I say and everyone laughs and nods.

"So, are we going to save Davenport or not?" Leo says and we all turn to him. "We?" Chase asks. "Yeah, we." Leo says pointing to everyone. Adam, Bree and Chase look at me. I sigh and walk over, placing a hand on his shoulder. "Leo, we can't risk you getting hurt. If you get hurt Tasha will kill Mr. Davenport and he'll kill us for taking you with us." I tell him.

"Yeah, but you'll need help. Remember Emma, your still having trouble with your bionics after that." Leo says and I glare at him. "Leo you are staying here and that's final!" I yell and he nods quickly. "Just be careful." We all nod and all 4 of us go to suit up.

"So what did Big D tell you that made you angry?"Chase asked me after Adam and Bree left the room. "I don't want to talk about it." I say and he nods. "Remember, no matter what Adam, Bree, Leo and I will always be there for you." I smile and thank him. We get into the mission car and drive off.

We finally arrived at the place Marcus wanted us to go to. "Here we go." Bree says and Adam knocks down the door. "Here they are now."We all turn to see a man with hair like Chase's and eyes like Bree and Adam. Weird. "It's nice to meet you." He continues. I scoot closer to Adam and Chase.

"Guys stay close." Chase whispers. "Who are you?" Bree asks. Yeah, thats a good question. "Donny, you never told them about me?!" The man says, looking hurt. I look at Mr.Davenport and he looks down quilty. "Why, Adam, Bree, Chase, Emma, I'm your father." We all look at each other.

"Wait? Emma's our sister?" Adam asks, confused. "Oh, Emma, you look exactly like your mother." I tense up, and Chase stands in front of me. "Your not our father. Mr. Davenport is." He says. "Would you like to see your birth videos then?" He asks, smirking. "No!" I shout right after he asks that. The other 3 had the same look.

The next thing we knew, we were put into the same cage as Mr. Davenport. "Is he really our father?" Chase asked him to hurt. He nods, "Why didn't you tell us? We had a right to know. Did you know about Emma too?" Chase asks, getting angry. I'm just sitting in the back of the cage watching this, and trying to take the news in.

"I thought he was dead. And, yes, I knew about Emma. When I took you guys from him, your mother had Daniel already and you guys were so attached to Emma. Especially you Adam. Adam, you did everything for her. It was cute until your mother came and took Emma away. Saying she was putting them up for adoption. She didn't care if I had you three. She left, I tried to track her down. You guys were heartbroken. I went to court, whatever I did, didn't work. Emma and Daniel were lost forever." He says.

"Then why didn't you tell us we were related, leaving out the Douglas part?" I ask him. Everyone turns to me. He didn't say anything. "That's what I thought." Was all I said and turned away.

We all stayed silent until our 'father' came back. "The trident app is almost installed. Once it's ready i'll rule the world." He laughs and holds up a remote. "Do Chase first!" Adam yells holding Chase in front of him. We glare at Adam. He presses the button and nothing happens.

"I went into their chips long ago and blocked the app. Ha!" Mr. Davenport/ Uncle says. "Wait does this mean Chase is my father too?" I slap Adam over the head and he yells, "Ouch!"

"Then I'll just install it again." Douglas says with an evil laugh. You should have stayed silent Mr. Davenport. A few minutes later a video cam shows up. Showing Leo at the door. "Let my family go, or else." He yells. "Marcus! Leo!" Marcus runs outside and fights Leo. Then kills him. "Leo!" I shout and start crying. The three hug me close crying.

After a while we find a way out of the cage. "What are you doing out of your cage? The app has been installed." Marcus says. Douglas shows us this remote. "Get the remote!" Mr. Davenport yells. We all ran after him.

Well, Chase almost got killed, Bree fought Marcus, I was hanging off the ledge with Chase, Adam found the right button and saved us, and Big D fought Douglas. Leo came back and the roof crashed. Douglas escapes and Marcus is gone.

"Now you all know Douglas is your father." Mr. Davenport tells us once we reach the lab. "No he's not. You raised us. Mr.Davenport, your our father." We all hugged, but stopped when we heard, "What did I miss?"

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