Being A Queen Is Never Easy (Reign)

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"Queen Karina of Italy." I take a deep breath and walk out of my carriage. A lot's happened. My parents have both fallen ill and died, and I've become a Queen at a young age. Now I've been sent to France to hopefully find a husband at French Court. Did I mention that my arranged marriage with a prince died of smallpox when we were kids? Yeah there's that too...

Everyone was in two separate rows smiling up at me while music played from the Royal Trumpet Players.

I walk towards King Henry, his Mistress Diana, Queen Catherine, Bash, and Prince Francis. I bow and they bow back. "Welcome to French Court it's good to see you again Queen Karina." Catherine says and I smile. "Thank you. It's my pleasure." I say and they lead me into the palace.

I'm brought into a battle room, and sit down. "The English are getting closer, and we've received word that Queen Mary and her Ladies are on their way. Scotland has become too dangerous for our soon to be Queen of France."

"How about an exchange. I'll offer some of my troops and in return you and Catherine can help me find the next King of Italy." I offer and the King thinks it through.

Francis gave me a look. He knows that getting married isn't something that I've wanted, but now it's what I need to win against England. I need an heir, because the English Queen is dying and I have a claim to England and if I have an heir before Elizabeth then I can take my rightful place as queen of Italy and England.

"Deal. Mary should be here in a few days. Meeting dismissed." King Henry says and I retire to my chambers. Mostly to unpack. I never let anybody unpack, I've always felt like it's my duty to do so, but most see it as un queenly like.

A knock sounds on the door, "It's Francis." I smile and finish packing. Francis and I have been best friends since we were young, we would have been betrothed, but they already had an arranged marriage planned with Scotland. Mary's amazing though, I remember her cause we both stayed at French court for sometime. I was here until I was properly trained to be Queen.

"Come in." I say and sit down which Francis also does after he comes in.

"So your looking for a suitor?" He asks and I sigh. "Yeah. Things are getting tougher, I found out that I have a birthright claim to England's throne." I tell him and wait for his reaction. He seems calm, but a little happy.

"So what's your plan?" He asks and I sigh standing up and looking through the window. "The English Queen is dying and after she does it will be a race between Princess Elizabeth and I to get married and whoever has an heir first claims the throne." I tell him and he stands next to me.

"If I get the claim to England then all of these issues will stop." I whisper and look towards Francis.

"Are you ready?" He asks me and I think for a moment. "No, but I have to do what's best for my country and Europe. Even if that means getting married and pregnant quicker than I planned." I tell him. He gives me a soft smile and hugs me.

"France will always be by your side. No matter what, I promise." He tells me and I smile back.

"I wish Prince Xavier didn't die so young. Everything could've been done so much easier." I tell Francis and he sighs. "Our job isn't easy." He tells me and I nod. "This fight for England's throne is going to take everything I have in me."

"You could wed me. I'll talk to my father. I'm sure Mary would understand." I sit down and think about it while Francis waits.

"You could bring it up, but what about Mary? You have been engaged to her since you were young." I ask and he sits next to me.

"I've known you longer, and we could always help Mary find a husband." He says and I look away. "You can talk to your father about it, but please make sure Mary will have somewhere, someone to go too." I tell him and he smiles and jumps up heading out the room. He freezes before he opens the door and runs over. His hands rest on my cheeks and he pulls me in for a kiss, and then kisses me softly.

He smiles at me again and I feel guilty but smile anyway. "I'll be right back, stay here." Just like that he ran off happier than ever.

Next Day

"Queen Karina, King Henry and Queen Catherine have summoned you to the throne room." A servant says and I smile. "Okay. I'll be there in a second."

I look myself over in the mirror and head to the throne room. I have a strong feeling that this is about Francis wanting to wed me.

I stop in front of King Henry and Queen Catherine and bow. "Francis wants to marry you." I look towards Henry and stand straight.

"Due to his arrangement with Mary we have a small problem which we will solve. You have what we need in a Queen and Mary is still inexperienced. We will find Mary a husband and you shall wed Francis in a few weeks." I bow, "Thank you King Henry and Queen Catherine." They bow back and Francis walks to his mother who hands him something, and he walks over to me smiling and grabs my hand.

"Queen Karina of Italy, will you rule besides me and become Queen of France and Italy?" I smile and say, "Yes." He puts his family heirloom ring on my ring finger and kisses me again.

Trumpets sound and we all look at each other. "Queen Mary of Scotland has arrived!!"

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