Curiosity Almost Killed The Cats (Memoire)

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The color drained from our faces immediately. "Guys we've got to run now." That's when we dashed like Shaggy and Scooby Doo. What were we running from you may ask. From our demise. In order for you to understand what's happening, let me start from the beginning.

It all started at Elementary School. My friends and I were in sixth grade. Every recess we would go by the edge of the field where a certain fence stood. We would talk about drama, gossip, you know how it is. There would always be an agitated old man (who lived on the other side of the fence with a RV parked out front) working on something in his yard.

The day before, we heard a bloody murder scream coming from his RV. We didn't know what to do. This time in the middle of October 2013 changed our lives forever. We got too curious and almost got kidnapped. Like they say, 'curiosity killed the cat'. My friends Ally, Macy, Haley, Anna, Katie and I were sitting on top of an 8 foot monkey bar talking about the mysterious screams the day before.

"I wonder if whoever was screaming is okay." Anna says looking off into the distance.

"Maybe, they were just fighting." Haley suggests, maybe.

"What if they weren't, Haley? She was screaming bloody murder." Ally says fear still settled in her eyes.

"We have to go with the possibility that it wasn't though Ally. We can't just go up to his door demanding to know what the screaming was about. Reporting it to the police, we'll get in trouble if it isn't what we thought it was." I tell her unsure of what to believe.

Then we decided to walk around the track to try to clear our minds.

"Does anyone know when the-" A loud slam makes us jump 10 feet in the air. We freeze and look closely around the current area breathing hard.

"Guy's look."

Another loud bang sounds. There on the other side of the fence stood a grumpy soul with murderous eyes that could kill you if you stared too long. I started to get uncomfortable with his intense stare.

My heart was beating so fast I thought it was going to explode any passing second. Why is he staring at us like that? Time felt as it had stopped. Soon we snapped out of it and quickened our pace as fast as we could to get away from him.

"He's starting to really creep me out." I admit biting my lip slightly trying to decide whether to look back or not.

"Anna, Macy, where are you guys going?"

We all turned towards them like the speed of Lightning McQueen. They didn't answer us. All they did was walk like they were in a trance towards the deadly fence.


"I'm on it."

Once I approach them, they're crouched down hiding behind a play house covering us. There a few feet away stood the murderous man muttering to himself.

"What are you guys doing? Are you crazy!?"

I notice the old man looking around so I sit next to them. Like an old film different emotions were flashing in his eyes. (Anger, Guilt....etc.) We heard loud banging and he quickly dropped what he was doing and booked it inside his RV. Yelling started, maybe screaming. This sound was like sirens singing a deadly tune. It all stopped and out walked the man.

This is wrong. We shouldn't be watching this man. He is weird but-

"What are you three doing there?"

The color drained from our faces. He saw us.

"Guy's run now."

I yell and we dash out of there like Shaggy and Scooby Doo. I knew looking back was a mistake, but I couldn't control myself. I glanced back.

My worst fear. He was chasing after us.

The recess bell rang. This made us run faster. He stopped halfway into the field and left. We made it inside and told the others what happened. He moved away and all of us promised to never talk about it again.

Looking back 2 years later, I've realized how it was rude spying on that man. I still think we should've told someone about the screams instead of watching him. Maybe it was someone screaming bloody murder or it was just him fighting with someone.

Maybe it was just a fight between him and someone else. I will never forget this day. It made me stronger and opened to more things than before.

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