20: The Long Awaited Confrontation

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I had officially had enough of Julie and her evasive mood swings. One minute she was lecturing me about trust, then she was encouraging me to pour hot coffee on Broody's head and now she's breaking down once again, yelling and then crying like a mad woman. I have had enough. I wanted answers and I swear it better be a damn good one.

Picking up my handbag I shoved all of my work on the building project including the updated plans that needed to be dropped off to Jordan – I figured I would just swing by after I was done getting some answers out of my best friend. Storming off towards the elevator I started to realize just how quickly people jumped out of your way when you looked like you about to blow, or rip their heads off with your bare hands. Oh god, maybe I was the mad woman.

In a hurry I entered and exited the elevators in silence, my mind filling up with thoughts about how exactly I was going to pressure my friend into telling me what was going on. I hated people pressuring me so I knew she would too – the only difference is that she was more likely to hit you across the face with a fish than give up her answers – but I had to get answers, if I didn't know what was wrong, how could I help and something was seriously wrong with her.

I power walked down the street and across the road into the train station. I didn't really have time to call Joseph and ask for a ride, and besides he said he had a busy day today so I didn't want to bother him with my moments of being an outraged friend. Catching the train I was sure to hold on to my building annoyance and anger – the only way to really do that while on a train around a thousand and one things that completely annoyed me was to pout and death stare the chair in front of me, which made it a tad awkward when someone sat there. Excuse me; couldn't you see I am death staring this chair? You do not sit on a chair that someone is death staring! It is not nice!

Luckily for me my annoyance at that little problem was short lived when the person slowly got up from the stare chair and discreetly moved down the opposite end of the train – yes I saw you move, don't pretend you didn't.

I got off at the next stop and took the walking time to clear my head and try to calm myself down. I needed a gentle approach, yes that's what I needed. How do you do a gentle approach? Seeing her house I panicked a little. What do I say? How do I say it? I can't exactly walk up to her and yell what the hell is wrong with you? Could I?

Standing right outside her front door I put my key in and turned it, letting myself in and slowly walking into the dark living room where the tension and wild emotions of its owner were surely portrayed. I looked around and rolled my eyes at how the place looked – from what I could see through the darkness. The curtains were shut tight, only allowing a little to escape at the top, and the room was a mess, clothes ripped and scattered everywhere, boxes of tissues thrown everywhere, and a broken lamp smashed on the floor.

Well then... I think I'm just going to wing this conversation, by the looks of the place, she was going to flip any second and I needed to have time to run.

Leaving my bag on my arm, in case I needed to quickly get away, I unlocked the door – again just in case – and headed over towards the bedroom. This small house in the outer rims of the city was nice, Julie had bought the place after graduating and I moved in with her, paying rent, until I moved in with Broody and she turned my old room into a game / gym / home cinema / junk room. I swear you could find anything in that room, probably even a dead ex-boyfriend knowing Julie. I walked over and found Julie's light on, but no Julie. Her bedroom seemed to be going under some dramatic remodeling since it looked worse than the lounge room, the mirror was broken, and the draws were scattered all over the floor with her clothes giving the white carpets a bold spread of colour.

What the hell is going on? Last time Julie caught me with a dress on the floor – even if it were there for only a second – she was ready to hit me with a hammer, and now she has done it to her entire wardrobe.

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