14: His Interest

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It wasn't long before I had received a text from Jordan telling me that the car was out the front and I was packing up my things after a long day at work. Julie had popped her head in every now and then and I even got a special visit from Rose that had everyone from the office crowed out side my office door waiting to hear the sounds of me tackling her to the ground. I didn't like confrontation, and I never have. The only times I am at risk of getting into an argument with someone are if they mess with the things I love, that is my work and my life and that the moment the only two people doing that are Broody and Rose.

I walked out of the building and saw a plain black town car that I often saw roaming rich tourists around the city but at least it was a step up from the car I have been driven around in. Joe stepped out of the car and opened the door for me, flashing me an award winning smile as he nodded hello.

"Thanks Joe." I smiled and slid into the car to find Jordan in his suit leaning against the other door, a stack of papers on his lap and one in his hand. "Wilder." I greeted him and relaxed against the cool beige leather interior and clicking in my seat belt.

"Mia. I trust your day was rather enjoyable." He said only looking up at me for a brief moment as he finished his greeting.

"Well it was off to a lovely start. And yours?" I smiled at him giving no hints as to my moments of regret and pity.

His smile fell for a moment as he looked a little distant as if thinking hard for the right descriptive word to use. "Busy." Was all he said before glancing down at the papers and stuffing them in his bag.

"Busy?" I asked a little surprised that he had to think so hard about that.

"Yes. Everyone seemed to have so much to tell me and everything was a crisis - or so they thought."

I listened intently when I suddenly realized I didn't know what he did. I knew he was a CEO and that his name was the company so I assumed he owned it too but I had no idea what it was a CEO actually did "What is it exactly you do?"

"I make sure everyone else is doing their jobs to a satisfactory standard, I have to deal with making sure each company under my ownership are making the appropriate profits, deal with the major companies - making decisions on what direction it goes in and things like that." He blurted out a small listing and waved off the question.

"Sounds tiring... and boring." I admitted thinking how he actually enjoys working.

"Yes well that's not the problem. Keeping the Board happy tends to take up most of my time."

"Board?" I was a little confused at this point.

"Yeah, the owners."

"Wait, you don't own Wilder & McKinley Cooperation?" Or at least half of it?

"How old do you think I am?" He frowned his brow and turned more towards me, his arm resting on the back of the seat and his body facing me almost completely. Was this a trick question? Of course I knew how old he was - thirty-two - I had done my research.

"Well there are people who own major companies and are young." None that I really knew of in the real world, but Christian Grey came to mind. Maybe young people weren't as successful as they were made out to be?

"Yes, but it is rare and it almost never works out. Plus their companies aren't usually at the top of their fields." He explained and I suddenly had a bit more perspective.

"I get it, you're too young to own it. So who does?" I waved him off before I received a lecture into business politics.

"My father was the main owner of Wilder corporation and Scott McKinley the main owner of his. The Board is made up of the two and the major investors that have been following them since the start."

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