Alice: Asylum

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We're all familiar with American McGee's touch of the famous story of Alice in Wonderland...

Of course this story has taken a darker turn over the years since American Mcgee's Alice in around maybe 2000 or 2001. The story of Alice Liddell struggling to reclaim her sanity after the death of her family in a raging fire and. Stuck in Rutledge Asylum for 10 years as she traveled through Wonderland to take control of herself.

 Stuck in Rutledge Asylum for 10 years as she traveled through Wonderland to take control of herself

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Next we go to Alice: Madness Returns around 2011 or so... Where our lovely lady of the hour must return to Wonderland once again to fix her broken memories of the night her family burned in a fire. Pieces come together as Alice discovers more of the truth and slowly comes to terms with her family's death.

 Pieces come together as Alice discovers more of the truth and slowly comes to terms with her family's death

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Now my friends... The time has come... For a new rise in our era... Sadly due to the pandemic, this tale has been set to come out "supposedly" on October 31, 2021...

My friends... Behold... The third installment... The prequel of AMA and A:MR...


Alice Asylum

This is a prequel to the first two games

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This is a prequel to the first two games. It takes place during the time Alice stays in Rutledge Asylum. Alice is said to be at least a young teenager on this.

For now. I suggest, if you wanna gain more information about this game, look on that Fandom website to check out all of the concept art, domains, characters, all the shit.

Sorry if this seems a little short, but I wanted to show off this new installment of the Alice games by American McGee.

Okay bye!

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