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"When were you planning on telling me?" Tae stormed at his clueless manager.

Jeanean blinked. "What?"

"Why didn't you tell me Tee is planning to quit?" Tae hissed.

Jeanean's eyes widened and she pulled Tae to the side with a hiss. "Keep it zipped!"

Tae blinked. "S-so... it's true?" Oh, how he'd hoped for the very first time in life that it was one of Tee's pranks. "Eh... I don't believe it... he's gonna leave work? Just like that?"

"No. No.. not leave work! Huh" Jeanean gave him an eye roll and chuckled. "No dummy. How can he? We have almost an year worth of schedule planned ahead of time"


"Look... he is graduating and... he is thinking seriously to get a masters degree a... among other stuff. And okay... yeah, he.. might quit sbfive" Jeanean didn't feel like elaborating much and went on to speak carefully. "But that all won't happen in another year or so"

"What?" Tae gaped at her before start talking in an outrageous tone. "Jane! He can't do that! No Taetee? He can't outgrow it! And fans will kill him for leaving the group! It's your job to tell him that as his manager"

Jeanean huffed. "Fans? Like you give your fans, whatever they want? You can't even provide fan service right! You don't even like doing that! And shouldn't he be the one worrying about it? You don't even like being paired with him but you're so scared to not ask me what he asked me for you. You don't get to talk!" She snapped, making him blink in confusion. "Even if he wants to quit the industry, it's his private matter you moron! No one gets a say!"

"What do mean..." Tae was looking down with a lost look on his face. "He doesn't want to leave the band... he wants to leave me?"

Jeanean sighed. "Yes. We'll try to be subtle about it, thanks to him having a good chemistry with almost everyone, we can pull it off so you both don't have to force yourself. And it's good that you know. I wanted you to know too since I'm still counting on you both being professional"

She knew it was best for Tee. And that was what mattered. She will try the best to get him as far as they can before letting him even think of quitting. With a pat to the stunned Tae's shoulder, the manager was walking away when Tae called.

"What's wrong with him?"

"What do you mean?"

Tae sighed and turned to face her. "What I mean, is why the anti depressants? Why're you all walking eggshells around him? Why the mood swings? What the hell us wrong with him?" He asked firmly.

Jeanean sighed. "Why do you think?"


Tae was sitting idly in the van when Tee walked in looking lost yet again and settled in the back. Tae rested his head back with a sigh. What was happening? Why? Why Tee?

He remembered the talk he had with Tee's aunt and the stuff Jeanean told him. So he was seen as a bully by Tee?

Ofcourse he was. He was a jerk to him. He remembered when they started working together. He wasn't against boyslove. And he knew that kind of genre was helpful to an actor's career. He was okay with a series like that. So yes, he went for the audition. He first was talked about being casted as Phana but then one of the crew thought he was best suited for Forth. And once he got to read the first novel, he was grateful for that.

Because even reading Phana say nong Yo made him cringe, whatmore if he had to be the one saying it with a sugary tone. He was better off as the tough second man. But then he found out he wasn't off the hook just yet since he had his own pair ready as well.

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