Chapter 14: The Second Task; Part 2

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    After Lily and Hugo's family wished them luck and left for the stands, they both walked back into the tent. Once in, they followed suit with the other teams, and took off their track suits and shoes, to reveal their swim uniforms for the task. All the girls and boys's swimsuits were the same, of course except for the colors and logos. All of the girls had the same two piece, with their last name and Triwizard number on the top's back. But, unlike the other three girls, Lily's pale and freckly stomach was pretty toned. Elizabeth, Juliette, and Camille's stomachs were flat, but they didn't have abs like Lily did. Then, for the boys, they had the same set of trunks, except for the colors and logos. But, there was a more obvious difference between the boys than the girls. Oskar and Isak were both big and tall, and, since they didn't have any shirts on, Lily noticed Camille and Juliette's eyes scanning their six packs. But, on the other hand, both Hugo and Ben had a sort of sour facial expression about it. They were no where near as muscular as Oskar and Isak. Lily tried not to let out her laughter because of Hugo. Let's put it this way, Hugo was tall, lanky, pale, and freckly.

    Anyways, as soon as all of the teams had their shoes and track suits off, wands in hand, and relics in grasp, the same Ministry official came back in the tent to tell them the task was starting.

    "Oh good, you are all ready. Well, here goes nothing. Just proceed to the dock and wait for Mr. Jordan to announce the start!" The Ministry official stated to the teams with a mixture of nervousness and excitement in his voice.

    With his statement, all of teams listened to him, and exited the tent. As usual, Lily and Hugo were the last team to exit the tent, following the others. When Lily and Hugo stepped out, their eyes automatically landed on the hundreds, maybe even thousands, of people in the stands surrounding the premier of the enchanted lake, cheering and watching them. As they were walking to the docks where they would start, both of the cousins's eyes scanned every section, until they landed on a section with many redheads, and a vibrant turquoise. Lily and Hugo waved back to them, as they noticed their large family, and extended family and friends waving to them. Lily even gave a quick wink to Lorcan, who she noticed was sitting by his brother and mum.

    "GOOOOOOOOOOOD MOOOOOOORRRRNNNNIIINNNGGG TRIWIZARD FANS! I'm your commentator, Lee Jordan, and today I will be announcing the details of the official second task! And here they are now, our 4 teams of champions, representing Durmstrang, Beauxbatons, Illvermorny, and the best for last, Hogwarts!" Lee started. There were cheers and a few laughs from the crowd. Just by that comment, you could tell how hard McGonagall rolled her eyes.

    "And, speaking of our teams, you all need to know the current score! From the last task, we have team Durmstrang in last with 10 points, team Beauxbatons in third with 20 points, team Illvermorny in second with 30 points, and the best for last, TEAM HOOOOOOGGGGGGWWWWAAAAARRRRRTTTTSSSSS IN FIRST WITH 40 POOOOIIIIIINNNNTTTTSSS!" Lee continued, with mores applauses and roars from the crowd. Both Lily and Hugo let out huge smiles at Lee's enthusiasm.

    "For now, that's the score. But, it will definitely change with today's task! For this task, the scoring system will stay the same. First will get 40, second will get 30, and so on. But, the difference is, the points that the teams score in this task will be added on to their original ones, and being totaled. In the end of the tournament, the team with the most points wins! But, for now, and for this task, our teams need to focus on finishing first to win this task!" Lee went on.

    "And, you all are wondering, what is the challenge for our teams today? Well, as we all know, in the last task, the teams all collected a replica of the Hogwarts Founders's relics. Just to refresh your memories, team Durmstrang collected the replica of Slazar Slytherin's Locket, team Beauxbatons collected the replica of Rowena Ravenclaw's Diadem, team Illvermorny collected the replica of Helga Hufflepuff's Cup, and lastly, team Hogwarts collected the replica of Godric Gryffindor's Sword. Now, with these objects, each team will go underwater, battle and make their way past different aquatic obstacles, to exchange their replica relic for a vile that they will use in the next and final task!" Lee announced, while everyone was listening closely.

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