05. old flames

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Two undercover agents, standing in a room with two sadistic serial killer lovers. Perfect.

Melissa Connelly strode over to the girl beside Spencer. Examining her carefully, she bent and tilted to see every angle of her. She even parted her dress slightly at the slit to show her legs.

Vanessa was still the entire time. She wasn't worried, she just didn't want them to make her and Spencer to do something that'll make their relationship awkward.

Reid felt his body start to break down as he watched Melissa touch his partner seductively.

"Masks off," the woman said, taking a step back to her husband.

The two hesitated to do the action. But after they were off, Asher walked towards Vanessa and placed his hands under her breasts. She choked on air from being uncomfortable from the feeling.

"Don't touch her," Spencer spat out before smacking his hands away.

The man gave him an impressive glare.

"How long have you guys been together?" Asher asked after sitting on the edge of the bed with his wife.

Spencer looked down at his colleague. He saw she wasn't going to speak at all, so he did the talking. "A year."

"A year," Melissa repeated, intrigued. "What should we have them do first?" She was now looking beside her to her partner.

"Let's start easy," Asher said. "Kiss each other. That'll get me started."

Vanessa gagged to herself. Not from the thought of Spencer's lips, but from the thought of the married couple getting off on them. She actually found Spencer's lips tantalizing. They were full and looked quite soft.

"You don't have to do this," Reid whispered to the girl, breaking her out of her trance.

"No...." Asher interrupted, "You do." Right after his sentence, he pulled out a gun from under his bed and aimed it at the two.

Vanessa saw the gun aimed at Reid causing her breath to get caught in her throat.

"It—It's fine," she said before turning her body to face him. "It's fine, Spence."

The man put the gun down after she gave in to the command.

Spencer watched the girl in front of him intently. He was nervous to feel her lips on his, and he was especially worried about how she'd feel about it afterwards. They both liked each other at some point—of course before Vanessa got a boyfriend, but the timing was never right.

The girl cupped both of his cheeks in the palms of her hands. Her left index finger grazed his jawline while her eyes moved towards his shoulder—Reid's eyes focusing on her eyes and moving to her lips here and there.

"Well come on," the female unsub said impatiently.

Vanessa looked up into Spencer's eyes, meeting his, then leaning in slowly. Her lips hovered over his for a moment before she fully pressed their lips together. She felt a rush of shock flow from her lips through her entire body. The feeling she had over a year ago had come back.

When Nessa first joined the BAU, Spencer had her heart immediately. He was too sweet and too adorable for her to not catch feelings for. Every little thing made her heart flutter and her stomach start to tingle. Whenever he smiled, laughed, tried cracking a joke, or even giving off random facts. She enjoyed them even if the rest of the team didn't. She could listen to him talk for hours and still be in love.

Spencer on the other hand, he found her pretty, and funny. But he knew it would never happen since Morgan was the first to start flirting with her, and she would flirt back. Morgan even told him that he was going to make a move on Nessa, but he never did. The feelings he had for her never fully left. He only shoved them down after she got a boyfriend.

the feelings that we hide | SPENCER REID Where stories live. Discover now