13. jones

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The moment Vanessa walked through the doors of the BAU, she was greeted by JJ, with a case.

"Conference in 10," the blonde smiled to her, Vanessa smiled back as JJ walked back to her office.

Vanessa set her go bag under her desk, and took a deep breath. The last time she was home was 2 weeks ago, and she had no idea how Nathan was doing. As much as he hurt her, she still cared about him.

"You okay?" Morgan asked when he realized she was stiff. Her eyes opened and looked down at him.

She nodded. "Yeah," she breathed out before walking away for a coffee.

"She's been really tired lately," Derek announced quietly to the two other colleagues at his group. "Do you know anything, Reid?"

"Do I know anything?" He questioned. "Why would I know anything?"

"I don't know, aren't you guys like—close or something?"

Reid shook his head. "Vanessa doesn't talk about her feelings, and we know not to barge in on them."

"That's not healthy," Emily interrupted, looking over at her friend who was pouring a cup of coffee. "I wonder what's going on." Her brows scrunched together in worry for the girl—Spencer's did too.

"We've got a serial killer in New Orleans who killed at least 3 men pre—Katrina," JJ reported to the team. "Until now, the New Orleans police department believed that the serial killer died in the storm."

"And what's happened to tell them otherwise?" Morgan questioned, setting down his mug.

"A fourth body was found in the French Quarter last night. Same MO another male, throat slashed, eviscerated."

"A year and a half?" Emily said. "That's a long cooling-off period. Are we sure this is the same unsub?"

"He claims to be," JJ responded. "He sent a letter to William LaMontagne, the head detective on the case."

"Does he have any leads?" Vanessa finally spoke causing everyone to look at her in shock and go silent for a short second that she was talking.

"He died in Katrina," JJ said, looking down at the girl. "His son is actually leading the case now."

"That can't be easy," Morgan sighed out.

"Well, we need to pour over the evidence from the first 3 murders and determine the pattern," Hotch said while looking through the file in front of him.

"Katrina washed everything away," JJ cut in, Hotch's eyes went wide. "The 3 victims we know of, their autopsy reports, witness statements, DNA test results," shelisted.

"So, basically, all we have to go on is the latest victim?" Reid asked.


"Until he kills again," Hotch spoke again.


On the plane, the team all took their seats, Vanessa sitting on the furthest end of the plane and staring out the window to avoid discussion with anyone.

"Hey, Reid," Morgan said to the boy beside him. "What's going on in there?" Reid obviously had something on his mind.

"I was just thinking of this old friend of mine from Las Vegas—Ethan," he responded. "I'm pretty sure he lives in New Orleans now."

"Really? You gonna give him a call?"

"We grew up competing against each other in absolutely everything. Spelling bee, science fairs." Vanessa directed her attention on the boy, analyzing every detail about him. "We also both had our hearts set on joining the Bureau, but...first day at Quantico he backed out."

the feelings that we hide | SPENCER REID Where stories live. Discover now