Team Star and Convex

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(Skit actually named Army Protection Racket from Monty Python's flying circus) 

I can't find a clip of it soooooooooooo.

(Cut to Doc's office in the Team STAR base. Doc is seated at desk.)

Doc: Come in, what do you want?

(Mumbo enters and stands awkwardly by the door)

Mumbo: I'd like to leave the team, Doc. 

Doc:(Disappointed) Man why?

Mumbo: Its dangerous! 

Doc: What?

Mumbo: There are people with weapons out there, sir.

Doc: What?

Mumbo: Real weapons. Not fake ones. Proper ones. They've all got some, and some of them have TNT cannons.

Doc: (deep breath) Mumbo, they're on our side!

Mumbo: And mobs. A Ghast Cannon as well!

Doc: Mumbo, you've only been on the team for a day! The war hasn't even begun yet!

Mumbo: I know but people get killed. Impulse was telling me, if you're in the war and there's a battle, you have to go and fight.

Doc: That's true.

Mumbo: Well I mean, blimey, I mean if it was a big battle somebody could be hurt!

Doc: Mumbo, why did you join the war?

Mumbo: Because Grian asked me to-AHEM- I mean, because I got pranked? Not for killing. I asked them to put it on my resume, - no killing.

Doc: Mumbo are you a pacifist? 

Mumbo: No, I'm not a pacifist, I'm a coward. 

Doc: That's a very stupid line. Sit down.

Mumbo: Yeah It kind of was. (sits in corner)

Doc: Absolutely terrible.

(Knock at the door, Xisuma enters)

Xisuma: Two civilian gentlemen to see you Doc.

Doc: Show them in please, Xisuma. And this time make sure its not Grian in disguise as a janitor or something. That was annoying to deal with last time.

Xisuma: Mr. Cub and Mr. Scar from Concorp.

(Cub and Scar enter looking shifty as usual)

Cub: Good morning, Doc.

Doc: Good morning gentlemen. What can I do for you?

Scar: (looking around the office casually) Nice base you got here. 

Doc: Yes. It is. And before you comment on it, no it's not intended to be a turtle.

Scar: We wouldn't want anything to happen to it. 

Doc: What? (actually surprised by the question)

Cub: No, what my associate means is it would be a shame if... (he knocks something off table. Doc glares at him)

Cub [Con'd]: Oh sorry. (Not sorry)

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