Chapter four

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||Love your demons||

My forced my eyes open knowing the sight would shatter my spirits and snuff out my hope but I did anyway. I dragged my hands across the cold and hard rock floor to attempt to sit myself up, how long had I been asleep? My face was still damp from the tears I shed for Sam yesterday, bits of my brown hair clung onto my skin like stickers.

My attention was focused on the faint sound of foot steps and the low murmuring of voice.

"What does Luke want to do with her?"

"How do I know? he calls the shots we follow, I just hope it's something that will make her scream"

What? Make me scream?

Two men appeared at the Cell and immedietly, their lips curved into two menacing smiles. I didn't even want to know what was floating through their heads at the sight of me looking vulnarable. The unlocked the Cell and made their way to me yanking both my arms above my head. A million scenarios of how this moment would turn out scratched my insides causing me to grimace.

"Aw is the little Pup scared?" One of them said, freeing his left hand from my hands and tracing the line of my lips with his thumb.

"You're Fucking sick you creep" I spat, listening to their Laughs of pride.

When my eyes wondered over to Luke's towering body over the two men. I forgot the existance of the man who was smoothing his hand over my lips, A stab of hope sliced through me that he would suddenly beat these guys to a pulp for touching me like that. I swear I saw a flash of anger in his blue eyes maybe even a glimer of jelously but after he refused to save Sam from an early grave my anger could not be contained.

"Are you done?" He said in a low voice.

Both the men quickly unlocked my chains and stepped back to reveal my red and sore joints. I stared at my wrists and legs at the cuts and bruises the chains had left, it even hurt just to move them. Dry blood wafted against my nose and made me scrunch my face.

Luke forcefully pulled me up and dragged me out of the cell and along the corridor. The surprised faces which passed me sent chills down my spide and the foul scent of body odour made the vomit to slowly crawl up my throat.

A little boy caught my eye and immeditly caused my eyes to glisten with water. I stopped.

Luke's Irritated face which was supposed to make me fearfull only made me even egar to speak to Sam's little brother.

"What the Hell Pup come on"

"Just wait a second ok?"

I crept up to the doors of Sam's brother's cell, he was stood at the side of the bars sucking his thumb like a baby. His brown hair ruffled and messy, filled with mud and dirt. He had the same brown eyes as Sam and he looked exactly like him.

"Mm, Do you know where my brother is?" He said it so softly I could barely hear him but I knew what his first setence would be.

"Don't worry Sweetie, He's happy" I gently stroked his hair from the other side of the bars. Hot tears pricked my eyes but I refused to Cry.

"He said he'd come for me" He said barely above a whisper.

"Maybe he will, but know he's always protecting you" I chocked feeling the tears slide down my cheek, I quickly wiped them away and forced a smile. He shook his head in understanding and returned to suck his thumb.

I stood up straight and returned to Luke's side who was watching me with eye brows raised and arms crossed.

"You've taken this boy's brother away from him, he has no one now" I said bitterly and continued walking not even caring to look at Luke's face, not even caring if he followed me or if he grabbed me and pushed me back in my cell.

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