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•moving on•



Bakugo groaned as he shift, seeking the warmth that he experienced last night. His crimson orbs opened when he felt the coldness that seeped by his side. Eijiro was gone as soon as the sun was up. As always.

One hour left before class starts. Thanking the god above that it's Friday. 

Katsuki groaned in annoyance. His attraction to the red head was getting too hard.

"Who am I kidding at? Fucking shitty hair!"

Bakugo never thought that night would be a change of heart. Seeing that red head crouched down to the floor with bleeding hands for the third time, his insides twist in a painful way.

He didn't want to see the red head getting hurt over something or someone like him.

The pain that glossed the ruby eyes of Eijiro made him feel suffocated. He clenched his teeth of his stupidity.

"Fuck you shitty hair for making me feel this way! Fuck!"

Bakugo thought Kiri was just his best friend. Nothing more. He don't know how to dwell with feelings nor emotions. Love was a little bitch. He's not sappy and he knew he got a reputation to uphold.

The blond frowned as he stand up from his black king size bed. The commotion from downstairs made him groaned again.

He got off from the bed. Taking a cold shower and rash brushing of his teeth, and drying his hair with his quirk is his daily routine.

Katsuki was already in his uniform,  checking his bag and assignments for one last time. He went down for breakfast. A red bell pepper was his breakfast.

He didn't see even a glimpse of Eijiro or even his voice. It's hard to believe his early. Eijiro again. He would kill that red head if he would talk or blabbermouth about what happened that night.

The word "sappy" danced around his head. He kissed the red heads hand! Fuck! His insides turned into a mush and his heart rattles making his face heat up. Fuck!


Eijiro was late. Again. Which leads him being reprimanded by Present Mic. Eijiro murmured softly an apology and taked a seat unaware of Katsuki's stares.

Kirishima felt uncomfortable to the stares especially the heated one from Katsuki.  The red head rubbed the nape of his neck and a crumbled piece of paper flew at his desk.

"pssst! Kiri you okay now? :3"

"maybe you should skip cLass to rest

"sssit with us for lunch, you gave us quite a scare young man ⊙_⊙."

Eijiro turned his head to the trio. He laughed at them a little when he'd seen those cute emotions they'd made.

Mina, Denki, and Sero were the one's who had called Aizawa-sensei to help Kiri in that state. They were so scared of what happened to their red bean.

It was a traumatic experience for them when they held the cold, bloodied body of Eijiro. The flowers that littered in his bed drenched in blood was petrifying and the rain didn't help at all to calm their scarred heart.

Trembling hands and screeching cries from Mina and Denki made Sero lost his confidence and smug smile. He was scared too, with a deep breath he called their teacher, his voice were shaky and his hands were trembling so much that the phone he grasped  would even fall off in a second.

The blaring of the sirens where the only thing they'd remember. Cloathes soaked in their friend's blood was quite a scare. As the doctors and nurses dragged the red heads body.

Neither of the three slept that night. The 1A tried calming the trio. It was a mess. Tsuyu and Izuku tried their best to calm the sobbing trio. They succeeded. Soft sniffles could only be heard from the three.

The three were huddled together at Mina's room. Comforting each other that the red heads gonna be fine. It felt a little bit better when Shinsou came running in the the middle of the night at their dorm, holding a bunch of snacks and fluffy blankets and movies. Aiding his crying Denki and his best friends.

News of Kirishima being dragged to the hospital spread like a wild fire especially at the class of 1B. The steel quirk boy felt worry rushed over him and agitated of who Kirishima loved. Hanahaki? Does Kirishima loved someone in his class?

Kirishima nod at the three as his reply. He was already craving for lunch since he was late. As much as Kiri wanted to forget what happened last night he can't.

It was much better to avoid Katsuki anyway. He had already set his mind to it. As much as possible he have to avoid Bakugo. So much for being manly. 

It was surreal that the red head gave up. He gave up. His done. Finished. He loved Bakugo and he want to put that at his past.

He was being rational for once.  It's for his own good as what Mina would say.  He doesn't want to go through that torture again. It's better to let things go. He knew that its his fault at the beginning. It's better to avoid some drastic actions that only leads him or Bakugo get hurt. 

Such a coward. Eijiro huffed that thought as he leaned to his desk. Tapping his fingers every now and then as Present Mic taught them about music or something.

What's the point of loving someone who loves somebody else? Eijiro thought bitterly. After that surgery he felt like something change in him. He didn't know why but it feels empty inside his chest. A hollow space inside. He didn't felt flutters in his stomach or butterflies for Bakugo.

It was frustrating but does he really still love Bakugo? He doesn't know anymore. Not sure if any of this is even real. 

Last night, made him confused again. Do Bakugo really loved playing with him? That thought hurts and Eijiro frowned at it. Got to avoid him and all will be okay like the past. No more loving Katsuki.

Eijiro flopped his head at his desk as his eyes linger to the broad back, crimson eyes, blond hair writing down notes. Hmm.


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