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•matter of fact•


Without a minute Eijiro opened the nurse's room. The smell of cleanliness and a hint of hand sanitizer wisp at his nose.

He was nervous and you could see it from his facade. Fiddling with his fingers is a habit he can't seem to let go.

Bakugo wanted to chase Eijiro. He wanted to reach that red heads uniform to stop him from running to who knows where. His mini plan earlier failed. A plan that some way or another he can talk to the red head after class but it didn't even work. 

He was caught up by "his girlfriend" and Eijiro hastily running over them that his plan all along vanished as he looked solemnly at his bestfriend's back.

"Umm, Miss Recovery Girl?"

Eijiro's voice echoed throughout the room.  A warm hand held his shoulder that made him screeched. Steadying his breathing he turned around only to be met up with a smiling Recovery Girl. Phew!

"Oh boy, hahahahha so what did you want to ask about? Let's take a seat first. It seems that this is really important. Hmm?"

Both of them took a seat at a soft colored sapphire couch. Eijiro's breathing was labored. His mind was running around dragging a hundreds of questions he can't manage to ask. Okay, inhale, exhale.

"Umm, does a person who had hanahaki undergo umm a surgery. I heard the doctor or the news said that when you go through a surgical removal for hanahaki you would forget about everything about the person you once umm loved. But ahh what if-if a person goes through a surgery but he still remember everything but he didn't know if he love him again or not?"

Eijiro managed to summarize the questions in his bugging head. Sighing, so stressful. Eijiro's head abruptly looked up when the healing quirk nurse motherly ask him that made his eyes and heart bawled out.

"Are you referring to yourself and Bakugo?"

Recovery Girl said in a calm manner hidding her smirk when she'd seen the red head's face turned into the same color of his hair. Hanahaki was somehow just a natural disease and she even experience it in her teenage youthful days. Sure loving is somehow in the midst of the world of painful and happiness. But ahh how bittersweet to fall in love or fall out of love.

Eijiro nod slowly confirming Recovery Girl's question.

"Well, I don't really know someone who had a hanahaki surgery and still remember to love the latter but some old folks says love is powerful, precious but deadly. With or without the hanahaki and if what you felt the 'love signs" again it only means that it  is true love. Hanahaki disease was only caused by a one sided love, people who undergo that surgery finally let things go and moved on but I mean if you still hear your heart beat again to that boy the other maybe felt the same way too. But that's all I know or heard about it kid."

Recovery Girl stated as she sip her chamomile tea she made. The little red bean was still shook of what she says. Youth these days. She sipped her tea again waiting for Kirishima to ask what's bugging on his mind again.

Eijiro was shaken. But how can he love again. He knew that he move on, okay that's a lie but he tried to.

"Can I get hanahaki again from the same person?"

"Fortunately no, hanahaki would only happen once."

His heart drummed in his chest from the new information. He was rather grateful he can't go to another flowery torture again.

"Hanahaki is just a small bridge of rejection or acceptance. Some call it a little crush than love. You can continue the love and suffer some pain or move on and let go. Simple as it sounds. But from your situation all I can advise for you is that take care and listen to your heart boy."

A sudden call cut off their conversation. Sadly their talking need to stop since the petite nurse was called by President Nezu that All Might suddenly passed out from their last minute meeting. Eijiro nod his head in understanding, thanking the nurse from the information she had given him and left.

It was already past midnight when he'd gone back to his dorm. Taking his time walking and swallowing that information. He turned off his phone since his friends where blowing up his phone. It was rude and not manly but needs space. And it was probably not safe at all. He decided to lay down at their grassy field.  Cold biting at his tanned skin but for once he didn't care of his health at all.

He shut his mind off when he had laid down like a starfish on the icy green field. Humming his favorite song that made him forget everything about love and Bakugo. 

The dark sky shone from where his laying. Not a single star could be seen, just a half moon shining today. It was kinda lonely from what Kirishima thought but peaceful.

His stomach grumbles for food. But for him he wasn't hungry at all. The temperature drop before he could even stand and run. Small drops of rain and a cold mist ran down the ground.

The rain suddenly poured harder. He was in the ground just standing as he allowed his self to soak and bask from the coldness. It was cold. Super chilly.

1A had been calling Eijiro's phone. It was turned off and it didn't help it was raining outside. Bakugo volunteered to find the red head along with the trio. As well as calling their teacher that Eijiro didn't came back.

Bakugo ventured first to their classroom if Kirishima would be there. But he wasn't. The rain was the worst especially the mist.

But a certain figure in the middle of the field made him go to that person. Gripping the umbrella tightly as he walked to the wet field.

It was Kirishima. All soaked up that his fingers were starting to feel numb.  Bakugo slowly walked to the red head but not before noticing that the red head was crying along with the rain...


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