How I Met Derek

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The girls name is Morgin Rose and 17.

OH MY GOSHHHHHH I CANT BELIEVE ITTTT. Today I finally get to meet Derek. I spent all night picking out the perfect outfit and everything. I also spent the night watching his lives. He is so freaking cute. I get dressed and the drive was 2 hours. I didn't even care that it was that long. I finally get there and hop out of the car. I got there an hour early only so I could be first in line. I am going to give Derek a bracelet I made. It has my number on it and my name. So I ended up being second in line because I lost my phone for a sec. Anyways the girl ahead of me went really fast so it wasn't a problem. When I saw Derek we made direct eye contact and he smiled so did I. We took like 30 pictures together and a couple of tiktoks and he followed me. Then I gave him the bracelet. He said he liked it and put on his wrist instantly. I don't think he noticed the number and my name on it. But it's fine maybe he will later. I went to go take pictures with his friends Vallyk and Mike. Yeah there cute but there not Derek tho. They were really sweet actually I even got Mike to smile. They followed me as well Vallyk even went as far to asking for my number. He probably will never call or text so it's whatever. So I left after that and they went live. I watched while I was driving home. I commented I love you. They remembered me to and told me to text them. I didn't tho because I'm so shy but I really want to talk to them again. I got home and sat in my bed watching tiktoks. When some random number called. I answer all calls since nobody ever calls me anyways. Hey Morgin. Derek is that you I said so calmly even tho I'm screaming inside. Naw duh. Anyways you wanna come hang out with me and my friends. Yessssss yes I do. Ok we can pick you up around 7. Ok. I started stressing out because I literally only have an hour to pick an outfit. Uhhhh I should have went to the store. I finally picked out an outfit. I'm wearing some jeans with rips a black tank top and Converse .

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