Whats Wrong With You

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I got up early to wash my hair and get ready for my day with Vallyk. I didn't Derek was like that I mean he seemed sweet but I guess not. I got ready and got Vallyk's text and headed out. When I got in the car I saw Derek and Mike in the backseat. In my mind I was just thinking why the heck do I have to be with this moron. So we first went to target. I don't what for but I didn't care. I went in there and tried so hard to keep my distance from Derek. So I wouldn't have to hear his stupid ass mouth. Then we just started walking around until Mike and Derek started playing what are the odds. Derek what are the odds of you trying to get that girl's number. Derek and Mike said 2 so he had to do it. I just ignored him but he did successfully get her number. Then we got back to there house and I went to Vallyk room to chill. So did you have fun today. Yeah I guess. Oh come on smile. Why. Smile or I will start tickling you either way your smiling. No your not then I turned my head to my phone. You asked for it. AHAHAHAHAHA MIKE STOP STOP AHAHA. There's that smile. Ok I'm going to the kitchen you want anything. Mike said no. I got out of the room and saw Derek I tried to walk the other way but he noticed me. Hey Morgin you have been really quiet today. Yeah I guess. So what are you Vallyk and Mike doing. Why does it matter. I tried to pass by so I could get my knife for my sandwich. But when I walk but Derek grabs my waist. Omg Derek can you just stop doing stuff like that ok. If you don't wanna date me then don't touch me. You sure you don't wanna go into my room. Yeah I'm good. I got my sandwich and went back with Mike and Vallyk. It was chill until Derek walked in. UHHH WHY CANT HE JUST STAY AWAY. What y'all doing. Nothing ha. Y'all wanna play the game. Bet. I just sat in the corner and watched. I start smiling so hard because my crush just posted a picture. Derek notices me. Why you smiling so hard. Again none of your business. Ok

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