No Sad Stuff

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So I woke up and took a shower and then I came to the kitchen. The boys were already gone because they had to do something but they will be back at 3 so we can got to some carnival thingy or whatever. I cleaned their nasty rooms up it just bothered me so much. Then I went to go get some Dunkin' Donuts because I mean why not. I got bored for a while and the boys finally got back. Sooo how was y'all day. It was eh Derek says. Yeah we didn't really do much but that live thing. Oh yeah I saw that it was cute. So guys I'm gonna go get ready for that carnival thing y'all better be ready at 2:15. Uhhh I don't want her to leave. Neither do we Vallyk says. But she wants to go to college it's not like we can kidnap her and keep her here forever mike says. I know but she just well she just makes me feel different you know. Like not like my other gf's she is something special. Well you heard her no sad stuff this week let's make this fun ok it's what she deserves. Ok I'm ready let's go come on I really want funnel cake. We or some snacks since the drive was long. Ok so what are we doing first. Um how about that doing thing over there. Omg I haven't seen one of those since I was little it was so fun but I'm gonna warn you guys it goes really really fast. Let's do it. Derek kept trying to hold on to me when he obviously couldn't so he screamed it was so freaking funny. Vallyk looked like he was gonna throw up and mike well mike was just being mike I guess. We got off and got some funnel cake. Then I started looking around and it hit me. I'm leaving like I'm really leaving I love these guys with everything in me. I started crying. Morgin what's wrong. It's just I don't wanna leave you guys I love you dummies. I have went through a lot ok but when I met you guys suddenly all that pain all that frustration just disappeared. You made my life the best and I can never thank you guys enough for that. Uhh I guess I love you to Mike says. Oh come here. As we sat there eating our funnel cake we realized how much fun we have had and how we are gonna miss that when I'm gone.

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