1st day

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Uhh so I got my period last night thank god I wore black pants because I was this close to wearing blue ones idk why I just thought they were cute. Morgin wake up Derek says as he starts cuddling me. Omg Derek move. Woah Ms.Girl what's your problem. I'm sorry I just started my period and I know you haven't seen me like this yet so I'm gonna tell you what to expect. Ok so I am very moody mostly angry but I can be nice at times. I eat like way more than I usually do I could eat a whole buffet at any minute right now. And my side starts to hurt a lot so if you see me do some weird stretches in the bed I'm not crazy I just try to make the pain go away. Ok well imma be right back ok don't move. I'll move if I want. Just stay there ok. I stay there but only because my side was already hurting like fuck already. Derek came back after about 20 minutes. Where you been at. Here. Wait dont tell me that you got me some food. Yeah I did. Omg Derek your gonna make me cry because this is just what I needed. Can I cuddle you now. Yeah you can. We cuddle and eat together while watching 2000's movies on my phone. Until I fell asleep with food in my mouth. So Derek has to wake me up to swallow the food and I went right back to sleep. Hey Derek where you been at Mike says. Oh I was just helping Morgin. You must really love that girl huh. Um idk ha but I know that she puts a smile on my face every time I wake up. She makes me feel loved and not like I'm just nothing she actually loves me. And yeah I do love her yes I do ha. Not Derek being a simp Vallyk says. Fine I'm a big simp. Yeah but y'all cute or whatever haha.

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